AZ Cessna sends pilot to school

Two dead on board in AZ after Cessna circles a couple of times overhead, then noses over into a school.

1st rule of what you should be doing when sightseeing as a pilot - FLY the plane.

That’s a tasteless subject title, and you’re jumping to conclusions as to what caused the crash.


I thought it was pretty funny…

What’s tasteless is pilots continuing to get killed while circling over friends’ houses, not flying the plane, and then subsequent pilots not learning from their deaths or somehow glossing over the cause and feeling sorry for “an accident that could happen to anyone”. Then they die the same way.

Accelerated stall at low altitude - turning and then pulling back on the yoke to keep altitude or tighten the turn…this happens WAY too often in GA (three miles out, turning onto final…or circling over a friend’s house) and it amazes me how many pilots do not know, or seem to care, about accelerated stall, since most practice stalls are done with instructors straight on and level. My title was very precise and crafted to stay in people’s heads - if you don’t learn about accelerated stalls, the plane will teach it to you once - the hard way.

This one is very obvious to me and if you are in denial, it’ll happen to you some day. People need to be shocked into the cause of crashes when they read about them…yes, it’s speculation, but I think anyone who flies a plane and reads the eyewitness accounts would agree that I’m right to a 95% probability. NTSB will stamp its “Pilot error” on this one and close the book.

And if I’m wrong? i got people to read about this tragic accident, about my reply now, and to think about accelerated stalls while turning as a refresher, if anything else.

It’s tasteless when people are allowed to die for nothing but pity and avoidance.

For what it’s worth I read the subject line as “Arizona Cessna (dealer) sends pilot to school (for either education or to teach children about aviation)”.

Here’s what I think are a couple of better subject lines:
“Cleansing the Pilot Pool: Another Darwinian Pilot Dies”
“Stupid Pilots Dies”

aturudic, your post just got even funnier because the body count is now up to four:

Must be a real knee-slapper to you…

You’re confusing cynicism for an attempt at humor.

I agree with the OP as to cause and effect, and if his Subject line was distasteful to some, perhaps it’s a case of the truth hurting.

Everyone stop bashing the OP, what some call distasteful others call humor.

Some people enjoy Andrew Dice Clay and others think he’s distasteful.