Seems I found an error. I have selected 2 years of data and this graph starts at March 2021.
And, am I correct in assuming some logarithm with the right and left sides of the Y-axis in the same graph … depending on your Y variable, of course.
Seems I found an error. I have selected 2 years of data and this graph starts at March 2021.
And, am I correct in assuming some logarithm with the right and left sides of the Y-axis in the same graph … depending on your Y variable, of course.
…ie log_sub_10 in this case.
When did you install the graphs program?
It will only display the data it has captured since it was installed.
Mine is quite happily displaying the nearly 3 years of data since it was installed
I think graphs1090’s github repo would be a more suitable place to post this at.
The data shown is the data since last installation. So 2 years mean that it shows everything between March 2020 and March 2022, but your data feed started obviously on March 2021
Did you reinstall it t this time?
There are other users where the graph clearly shows all data.
@foxhunter and @LawrenceHill:
Ah yes, reinstall. Thanks for the clarification!
Apologies! Thanks for the reply!
No, read the legend and guess what RHS means.
Likely i’d be the only person to respond over there, so it’s really not important.
But there is a graphs1090 thread on this forum that would be probably a good place.
Anyhow because this question is just trying to understand what is displayed, there is no bug or anything for the stuff mentioned so … i’m happy other people can explain it which is much more likely here.
Got it. Left hand is msgs/sec, right hand Y axis is positions/sec. Thanks.
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