Automated Installation of ModeSMixer2 & ModeSDeco2 on RPi


I have solved the problem of failure of ModeSMixer2 on DietPi :slight_smile:

In fact I have found this solution in May 2019 when I faced similar problem during installation of RB24 feeder on DietPi, but have forgotten this incident completely. Today when I installed RB24 feeder on DietPi and faced this problem, the incident flashed back in my memory, and with some little search in RB24 forum, I could find my post in which I have goven this solution.

sudo apt install netbase   

sudo systemctl restart mm2   

Seems in order to make DietPi slim, its makers have removed some essential packages also. The Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit has all the important packages, so no such issues there.

Before Installing Package netbase

After Installing Package netbase, & Restarting ModeSMixer2