Do NOT install ModeSDeco2 if you already have dump1090-fa (or mutability) installed on your RPi, as this will cause conflict (unless you have two serialized dongles plugged into RPi, and configure dump1090 & ModeSDeco2 for their respective dongle’s serial number).
ModeSMixer2 and dump1090-fa (or mutability) can be installed on the same RPi without any conflict.
Manual is good for experts, and also for novice if he/she wants to learn Linux.
However most novice will be discouraged by manual method and will run away.
For them I have created these bash scripts to make their life easy.
Great to know you have done it manually.
Are you using /etc/rc.local or /lib/systemd/system/mm2.service ?
In my opinion dump1090-fa and dump1090-mutability ver 1.15~dev have better decoders. Also if you want mlat feedback from FA, then I am not sure if ModeSDeco2 is capable to handle it.
ModeSDeco2 is a decoder, and an alternate to dump1090-fa. There is no use of installing it alongwith any version of dump1090. It will rather fight with dump1090 to grab the dvbt dongle. Please do NOT install it on Piaware SD card image, or any install already having dump1090.
ModeSMixer2 does NOT have a decoder. It is only a mixer, and can peacefully co-exist with any version of dump1090. You can install it on Piaware image without it causing any trouble.
It does mix different streams. It also takes in stream in one format, and outputs in various other formats.
I have 2 instances of dump1090 and 2 instances of piaware running on one RPi. This is a temporary arrangement to restore the station which was running on orangepi pc which died 3 weeks ago, and replacement orange Pi was shiped by Aliexpress from China in a dinghy , so will take long time to reach me
The first instance outputs on default ports 30005 and 30105. The second I have configured to output on ports 31005 and 31105. This is how I mix the 4 feeds:
I knew MM2 was capable of doing a good job as a mixing software and I have mine set up to provide just like you have set in your first line and I get MLAT results for the MM2 webmap. I have more dongles and two extra pi3b I thought of running a second Pi with DUMP1090 mutable or now with ModeSDeco2 and input their data to the same instance of MM2. Using the extra Pi as a MLAT feeder. But, until my foot heals up that is a thought.
OK, thanks. I don’t have a need to convert or mix streams right now, but your installation script is excellent for those not able or willing to do a manual installation. Well done!
I have it installed on a separate Pi with Buster and running good as a basic set up. I need to add the silhouettes, flags, and a basestation.sqb file
I have installed my silhouettes folder, logos folder, and a flightroute.sqb and basestation.sqb so that the Mapview list will show the silhouette, aircraft and route info.
this was added to the mm2.conf file when it was edited at first;
–frdb /home/pi/flightroute.sqb
–silhouettes /home/pi/silhouettes
–pictures /home/pi/logos
–db /home/pi/basestation.sqb
For the sake of experimenting and learning I have also on the same pi added ModeSdeco2 and feeding it from a cheap Chinese ADSB antenna on a shelf and it runs very well. I had set it up with the same arguments as I did for ModeSMixer2 except no inconnect. Looks like some experimenting and learning.