Attempting to add 978, but unsuccessful

Username = pi
Password = flightaware

That is the setting for the piaware image

I logged into the Pi and turned on SSH. I can see the box when I ping it, but when I use Cyberduck or WebSSH, the pi is returning an invalid credentials error message. I am using the same credentials I use when I hook the Pi to my monitor.


I don’t use those applications so I can’t help you with those.
I’m using Putty for SSH access and WinSCP for FTP access to the Pi’s.
Never had any issue with them not granting access

Tried from the Mac terminal and got this:
Last login: Fri Jan 17 09:59:03 on ttys000

XXXX@Bilbo-Baggins-Mac-Mini-M4-Pro ~ % ssh pi@

pi@’s password:

Permission denied, please try again.

It seems to be a password issue but I am able to log in using pi and my changed password directly to the Pi when I hook up monitor and keyboard. Shouldn’t the password for SSH be the same?

Is the keyboard layout in the same language ?
Check that they are booth identical, otherwise different key stroken might be given UK english and US english for example will deliver different results

Perhaps just use: ssh

That should take you to a login script…

Wait, you can run a blue and orange on one raspberry pi?

Yes you can, provided it is not Pi Zero

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When I enter just the HTTP:: address, it tries to use my Mac user name, so that didn’t work. Thank you for the suggestion and am still stuck!

Login using a monitor & Keyboard connected to RPi, and check IP address by following command:

ip a

Check IP associated with wlan0


Thank you all! I still haven’t figured out the open SSH, but, I now have the 978 and 1090 filters/sticks/antennas hooked up. I don’t see that the 978 is working. I tried update/restart command from the web and still I don’t seem to be getting any 978.

Is there something specific I need to do to get it working?

Your web page (the stat page) doesn’t show anything for 978. So it doesn’t seem to be running. What does the log file show?

In general, in order to trouble shoot the problem you’ll probably need to get ssh working so you can look at the log files and dump978-fa status in more detail on the RPi.

Edit to add: Since it looks like 978 isn’t running, the log file on the stat page won’t show anything regarding 978.
How did you install dump978-fa without using ssh?
One more thing, did you assign serial numbers to the sdr dongles for 1090 and 978?

Couple of things going on here.

I have a keyboard and monitor i can hook to the pi so I don’t need ssh.


I can also see the terminal running from my sign in to FlightAware. One of the choices is update and restart dump978. I assume that means it’s there.

I THOUGHT when I set up the SD card it installed 1090 and 978. Is this not correct?

Thanks for all the help!

My wlan0 address is

When I use like cyberduck or other terminal software, I am using the command ssh@

I am unsure what the /24 is, means, or does.


the /24 is the reference to your subnet mask.
This is a setting that tells the system how much machines are allowed to be in the network.
Your internal IP adress tells that you are using a class C network and the /24 tells that there is a maximum of 254 machines in your network.
See the following link for some more information on that.

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did you try the update and restart option ? That should try to restart the process.

I have tried that and it didn’t seem to do anything.

Had a thought at work today, is it possible since the original flashing of the SD card only included the 1090 antenna, that the ip address is “only” for 1090.

I am not explaining this well, but because when I first connected to the receiver using its IP address and the 978 was not present, does that affect anything?

I was thinking of refreshing the card and when I first hook to the “new” site number, both 978 and 1090 will be present.

Does this make sense to anyone? :slight_smile:

Also - if you see the attached screenshot, it says it is mapped to 1090. No mention of 978.

The SD card image is only for the 1090 MHz setup as far as I know.
I don’t use it, I always have a package installation on top on a clean OS.
Same goes for the 978 MHz software, I live in Europe and that frequency isn’t used here so I don’t have it running on my systems.
The additional steps to install the 978 software are on the instructions page for building a feeder. Once those are done a reboot should activate the software.
And you might want to edit your screenshot, to take out your unique identifier key. You should keep that one private, other people could take over control over your site with that.

If you want easier configuration, give this sd-card image a try:

As long as the SDRs for 1090 and 978 have different serials it will be easy to set up.


You got wrong info. The piaware SD card image has both dump1090 and dump978 pre-installed, but by default it is configured to run only dump1090. In case anyone wants to activate dump978, he has to issue following comands

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr

sudo systemctl restart piaware  

sudo systemctl restart dump978-fa


In addition to above, serialization of both dongles, and entering their serials in config files of dump1090-fa and dump978-fa is required.