Just wondering if anybody knows the whereabouts of Cessna 510
Mustang serial number 510-0337.
It is possible it’s parked in Kansas still either ICT or IDP without a registration, just wondering if anyone knows anything about it???
Just wondering if anybody knows the whereabouts of Cessna 510
Mustang serial number 510-0337.
It is possible it’s parked in Kansas still either ICT or IDP without a registration, just wondering if anyone knows anything about it???
It hasn’t been registered yet, so it’s anyone’s guess. There are quite a few breaks in the SN sequence for the Mustang. Not sue why.
510-0337 was legally (on paper) imported into Canada about 3 months ago. The aircraft itself was completed last August.
My best guess is it was to be C-GZBA (could be wrong?) and owned by Omega Air in Vancouver (also known as Blackcomb).
However as far as I know, this Cessna hasn’t been spotted anywhere, nor has it been listed for sale??
There was another strange one - N6200C 510-0087 it was originally sold to Brazil and was supposed to be PP-PMR - but it was never delivered - it’s been parked for a couple of years. It was recently delivered to Brazil and is now PR-SBH.
Per the Canadian aircraft registry at wwwapps2.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/ … search.asp there are 14 Cessna 510’s in registered in Canada. 510-0337 is not one of them nor is C-GZBA a current registration in Canada. GZBA was last used on a Cessna 152 that was deleted from the registry in 2009.
Thanks for the input . . . it’ll show up sooner or later,
C-GZBA was reserved by Omega for a C510. According to Omega it was to go into service around October 2010.
Canadian Register doesn’t show ‘reserved’ registrations, and they don’t usually show up on the register until a day or two before the aircraft arrives into Canadian airspace.
C-FMCL is 510-0338 also Omega, and has been flying since September and currently in service with Blackcomb Jets in Vancouver (Owned by Omega).
The only 510’s I’m unaware of are 510-0337, 0341, 0349, 0354 out of the first 355 Mustangs - I just saw 510-358 at YYZ last week as VH-VSQ on delivery to Singapore Airlines flight school in Australia.
I don’t know the whereabouts or what registration but there is a record of this aircraft as being imported into Canada on 22September2010.
What happened to it, beats me.
Thanks . . for the confirmation.
Very strange either way?? Unless they found a buyer for it, without doing any advertising?? Still it would have to be registered and flown without any spotters seeing it or recording it??
Also you’d think it would show up on the exported list on the Canadian registry.
The missing Mustang saga continues . . .
There is a record of this aircraft as being imported into Canada on 22September2010.
I forgot to input the link: wwwapps2.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/ … csmenu.asp
Click on aircraft “imported and exported” then the 2009 and September.
It’ll list all the aircraft imported for that month.
Oh - it seems 510-354 was delivered Jan 7th as F-HECG…
Status of 51-0337: The contract was cancelled by the customer. The plane is in Independence, KS. It most likely has an N registration number as part of a Cessna block of reg #s.
The buyer also has another Mustang 510-0338, 3 Citation 550’s,
a Citation 560, and a Citation 680.
Well sorry it never came to Canada!!!, it would have been our 15th Mustang on our register - not bad eh!!!
Guess if it only has about 10 hours of pre-delivery flight time, and no actual owner other than Cessna I’ll assume Cessna is just selling it as new - thus no listing anywhere for it. Yup I can imagine it just sitting in the corner of the delivery hangar at IDP
I would guess that the plane has 6 to 8 hours on it, unless it has been flown as a demo. Most new Citations are delivered with 6 to 10 hours on them. Can’t deliver with much less than 6 hrs due to the production testing required. 337 will be sold as a new aircraft once a customer is found.
I know things are slow, and Mustangs are the one jet that has been selling well, I’m surprised they’ve been sitting on this jet since August 2010.
They had one Mustang N6200C 510-0087 it was up flight testing in July of 2008 - sat at ICT for 2 1/2 years with 10 hours on it. It was sold several times to owners in Brazil - but deals fell through.
It ended up being delivered on Dec 30/2010 and is currently PR-SBH.
Heh Citation Jet!!!
Any new Mustangs hanging around - I’m interested in all of them!!!
I saw 510-0337 today. It is in a Cessna hanger in Wichita. It has the registration number C-GZBA covered up with a temporary registration number of N4058A.
Also, 510-0371 is the next plane off of the production line. It still needs paint and interior.
Thanks for the update - bummer not to have a photo - guess that’s going to be the Canadian one that got away. The video below shows a few test registrations on new Mustangs.
I live near the Bombardier Global plant - at least all the Globals registrations are listed with Civil Aircraft Register - the Mustangs - we’ve no idea of all these test regs!!
AvWeb video from Mustang’s at Independence, Kansas.
Again, the update is appreciated.
Heh if you see any other Canadian (or foreign Mustangs) let me know!!!, even if it’s a PM!!
There are two Mustangs coming soon, one for Toronto, and another High Sierra for Montreal - first HS model in Canada.
510-0337 has just been assigned N928KG
ukguy - thanks for the update - I hadn’t seen that yet.
Guess Cessna just sold it internally and hadn’t listed it anywhere for sale. The more Mustangs for Canada the better.