Does flightaware track air force one?
AF1 Mode-S will show up on boxes like Kinetic Avionics SBS-1.
It just doesn’t display on a map
You can get an idea when it is arriving by looking at the TFRs
usually arrives 30-45 minutes after the TFR goes into effect.
Also sometimes there is a press plane leaving from Andrews about the same time
I found this flight that has the same exact cities that Obama has visited this month, including Andrews AFB. Is this just the press plane?
The White House lists President Obama’s public schedule on its website.
He’s visiting the Pacific Rim right now.
President’s 2011 Asia Pacific Trip
All Air Force One and Air Force Two communications can be heard in the clear on the normal civilian air traffic control frequencies. I’ve listened to both land at and depart from KFNT.