I am having a lot of trouble getting the flight/{id}/map to work as expected. It seems like the layer_off
attribute does not actually accept an array of parameters.
I am trying to get a simpler flight map using the layer_off parameter in a response but I keep getting {"title"=>"Undisclosed", "reason"=>"Undisclosed", "detail"=>"Error", "status"=>400}
The docs say to pass it as an array, which I have tried, but it doesn’t work no matter what format if I use more than one attribute.
I’ve tried:
=> works. returns map without radar.
=> returns map but radar still shown
['radar', 'water']
=> undisclosed 400
=> undisclosed 400
=> 400
=> 400
=> 400
"radar water"
=> returns map but still shows radar and water
=> return map but still shows radar and water
The flight in question is: UAL1174-1704496227-airline-279p