Adjustments Needed?

Could someone please check over my graphs and let me know if I need to make any adjustments?

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Can you share what equipment you are using and what your settings in the config files are?
And what area you are living in? Obstacles around like buildings, trees or moutains which could limit the range in a direction?

Then we can see if there is room for improvement.
Right out of the graphs, there is not much what can be seen without knowing the environment

That makes sense, why didn’t it occur to me!

Raspberry pi, Flghtaware ProStick Plus conneted to a custom built ADS-B antenna mounted outside. No obstacles outside and nearest miliary air field is less than six miles away.

Which config files do you need?

Is it the Piaware Package on top of a Raspberry OS build? Or are you using the Piaware image?

If it’s the package installed then the content of dump1090fa would be helpful. You can find it in the /etc/default folder of the Raspberry

But the range is already looking good, also the message rate is impressive for an FA stick.

EDIT: You could consider using to identify what max range you could expect if everything goes well.
If you would use readsb instead of dump1090fa you would be able to have the outline for both your current range and the max range visible.

On the readsb pages on Github it’s explained how it works.
Automatic installation for readsb · wiedehopf/adsb-scripts Wiki · GitHub