Adjusting Gain for Best Range

Hi there! I’ve had an ADSB feeder online for around a year and I’ve never quite figured out what to do with the gain. I have this antenna: Radarbox Antenna (I know it’s not the best) and my goal is to figure out what gain would be the best for the furthest range possible. If anyone could help me find that out I’d really appreciate it.

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I loaded this the other day and it improved my numbers and range.

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Yeah, I’ve seen that one. I’m trying it right now so I’ll wait and see! Thanks for the recommendation.

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You can also run this tool

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Thank you for the response. How would I install the program with putty?

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You just need to follow the steps under prerequisits

sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install beautifultable

You then istall the script

sudo wget

And run it

sudo python3
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For some reason, it gives me that error when trying to run it. The script installed fine.

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What image is on your SD card? It needs to be one of piaware, flightaware, adsb x or radar box. Any others, I don’t think it’ll work

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adsbx is on the sd card

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Not sure then. I use piaware and it’s fine. Will need to wait for @b1n9

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Okay thanks for trying to help

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You need to adjust the following in the script to work with your setup

# PIAWARE SD SETTINGS (comment out and uncomment other settings to switch)
host					= 'localhost'
port 					= 30003
config_file				= '/boot/piaware-config.txt'
config_setting			= 'rtlsdr-gain'
config_setting_after	= ''
service_restart_cmd		= 'sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa'

# host					= 'localhost'
# port 					= 30003
# config_file			= '/etc/default/dump1090-fa'
# config_setting		= 'RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-index 0 --ppm 0 --gain'
# config_setting_after	= '--net-bo-port 30005 --net-sbs-port 30003'
# service_restart_cmd	= 'sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa'

# host					= 'localhost'
# port 					= 30003
# config_file			= '/etc/default/dump1090-mutability'
# config_setting		= 'GAIN='
# config_setting_after	= ''
# service_restart_cmd	= 'sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability'

My guess is that you need to use the second set but I don’t know how you adjust your gain currently you basically need to make those settings so they can adjust the config and restart the service that you use.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	host 					url of dump1090 (default PIAWARE SD)
# 	port 					30003 = SBS port (default PIAWARE SD)
# 	config_file				path and filename of where gain settings are stored (default PIAWARE SD)
# 	config_setting			gain setting before the gain number
# 								(ex. "rtlsdr-gain 49.6" the config_setting is "rtlsdr-gain" no space after)
# 	config_setting_after	gain setting after the gain number
# 								(ex. "rtlsdr-gain 49.6 something" the config_setting_after is "something" no space before)
# 								(ex. "rtlsdr-gain 49.6" the config_setting_after is "")
# 	service_restart_cmd		command to restart service to apply changed gain (default PIAWARE SD)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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