7 Day Average

Having looked at random flights, it appears the 7 Day Average is off for most flights.

For example, take a look at EGF4386:

Departure times (CT)
14: 1651
13: 1654
12: CXLD
11: 1648
10: 1642
09: 1642
08: 1654
07: 1647


How is the 7 day average nearly an hour off if all the flights took off between 4:42 and 4:54pm CT?

Clock Change?

Daylight savings time?

DST is so much fun!

It appears all the 7 day averages are over an hour off. I’m guessing this has something to do with the programming of 7 day averages. Is this being looked in to? :open_mouth:

Do you just jump to the end and not read any of the other posts? While sarcastic, I think mduell pointed out that it was from Daylight Savings Time (that little time change we went through last weekend where we lost an hour of sleep).

If you wait until next Sunday, I predict the averages will be back to normal.

Hint, 7 days from the change to daylight savings.

Well the 7 day averages were off by an hour BEFORE we switched our clocks a few days go. So I do not think it is a DST time issue per se.

Oy vey… :unamused:


Whaaat’s touch E?

(just a little east Texas knowledge)
