0 msgs recv'd from dump 1090-fa; 0 msgs sent to FlightAware

Been up and running great then all of a sudden no more reporting. Tried updating and flashing card and reinstalling no luck. Any advice? Site 14064. Thanks!

To me, it sounds like your dongle isn’t feeding information into dump1090 for whatever reason. I’d try reseating the dongle and/or try to validate that your dongle is indeed operating normally.

Someone else may have a better idea though.

Check your power, I was running a Pi off a battery last weekend - the first sign the battery was going was that the aircraft disappeared… I could still ssh into the Pi and see the stick, but it wasn’t working correctly…

It could be the aerial (or connection) too of course…

Happy Hunting !


Thanks for the feedback guys. I did buy another dongle just to make sure as I was suspect of that as well. Didn’t appear to make a difference. Also tried different antennas and a different raspberry card as well. I did notice that when mine originally failed it appeared the power supply had failed. I plugged in a new one and it turned back on but never showed targets again. I’ll try a different power supply.

Power supply was the issue! Thanks a million…

I have the same issue but replaced the power supply still didn’t make a change, runs for about 15 min then stops reported have tried replacing everything, Pi, Dongle, power supply, SD card still fails.

Any ideas … I’m thinking I might just have to let this go.

06/25/2017 20:33:46 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa; 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
06/25/2017 20:35:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connect_completed
06/25/2017 20:35:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connection to gpsd at localhost/2947 failed: connection refused
06/25/2017 20:35:12 GPS: ::gpsd: closing gpsd socket, scheduling reconnect
06/25/2017 20:37:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connect_completed
06/25/2017 20:37:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connection to gpsd at localhost/2947 failed: connection refused
06/25/2017 20:37:12 GPS: ::gpsd: closing gpsd socket, scheduling reconnect
06/25/2017 20:38:46 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
06/25/2017 20:39:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connect_completed
06/25/2017 20:39:12 GPS: ::gpsd: connection to gpsd at localhost/2947 failed: connection refused
06/25/2017 20:39:12 GPS: ::gpsd: closing gpsd socket, scheduling reconnect
