Why getFlightInfoEx always returns only 12 items?

I use Java and wrote following code:

        SetMaximumResultSizeRequest maximumResultSize = new SetMaximumResultSizeRequest();

        FlightInfoExRequest request = new FlightInfoExRequest();

        FlightInfoExResults results =  df.flightInfoEx(request);

As I understand from documentation it should returns 90 items, because I write

        SetMaximumResultSizeRequest maximumResultSize = new SetMaximumResultSizeRequest();

But It always returns only 12 items.

Can you help my? How can I get more than 12 items?

Maybe in the last 2 weeks have been only 12 flights
From docs:

The oldest flights searched by this function are about 2 weeks in the past.

That’s correct. AFL1195 only operates about once per day, so you’d be able to retrieve at most about 2 weeks of data.

Take a look at SWA1983, since they operate nearly daily and fly sometimes 8 flights per day under that ident.

if i look to flightaware.com/live/flight/AFL1195 and click to “More Past Flights →” then I can get more than 12 days.

How can I get it using FlightXML?

The 2 week limit enforced by FlightXML is different from the limits permitted by the website, for policy reasons. If your business use-case requires accessing data in FlightXML that is older than 2 weeks, then we will need to discuss with you the the additional costs involved, which are dependent upon how much history you need and how many aircraft you’ll be querying.