What does your setup look like?

Here is my custom 9 elements co-co hanging from third floor gutters sending data through the window with flat coax.

And here is receiver setup behind that window. Maybe one day it will go to mast on top of the roof.

Moving it outside from the same spot inside behind the wall gained me ~10% more planes/messages, and 10-15 miles of range. I will try to push it a half way above the gutters next week when it gets a bit warmer here. Maybe it will make some difference since so many obstacles around in many directions.

SITE 116539 – KTEB – KVA

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Here is my setup, quick and dirty :sweat_smile:

Raspberry 3B+
FA Stick Pro Plus
Uputronics Amp
2 meter Ecoflex 10
Jetvision Antenna

Professional mount in the attic:

Professional roof breakthrough:

Mount near the chimney:

Typical range vs. maximum range:


Moved another 6 feet up, above gutters.


Has it made much noticeable difference?

Using Radarbox stats as a reference (they use range as a benchmark) I went from 18K to 22K (indoor vs outdoor).

Using Flightaware (vs two nearby stations with max stats) # planes & messages increased also ~ 20%.

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Excellent, that makes it all worthwhile.

Here is my setup after FA Pro Stick Plus died.

Antenna is FA, running with a sat LNB , powered by an injector from 15v source. Height is just above the top of my house, the aluminum pole is 2 meters

Location of RPi and SDR stick is temporary, as i need to find a solution to tuck everything in that box or consider moving everything outside in a IP68 box.

And tracking at this hour below, there are only 50 planes but my top is 80+ , which is typically from 10 to 12 AM GMT+3


Do you need product photo? :laughing:

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Hm, that looks like my rotary dryer after a heavy storm

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Maybe six months after ordering, my Pi Compute Module 4 finally arrived in April. Initially I planned to use that for an air outdoor quality sensor, but I decided I wanted the Pi 4 form factor for that. So this week I swapped out my ADSB station’s Pi 4 and put in the CM4. All is well, and all is the same in terms of performance.

Constant reported voltage over POE did increase from .8500V to .8700V with the Waveshare POE board vs Pi4+POE Hat, but everything is still perfectly powered. Confirmed with extended Sysbench 4-thread stress benchmarks during peak ADSB traffic hours.

A couple photos and a link to the CM4 mount & future hardware-ready utility box I printed for the station refresh.


That’s pretty impressive!

Do you have a basic block diagram of what you have there?
Looks like you are running maybe two feeds, as I can see two filtered LNAs?

The orange pro stick + Uputronics USB powered LNA is for UAT. The Airspy R2 + bias tee powered RTL-SDR BLOG 1090 MHZ ADS-B LNA is for 1090 tracking. So it’s all one station feed.

For my location, the RTL-SDR bias tee LNA slightly outperforms the 1090 USB powered Uputronics for message rates on the Airspy.

Up until December, I had an extension cord with power strip in a utility box powering the 978 LNA and case fan on their own USB power adapters, and the orange pro stick through a separately powered USB hub. Once I updated my home network over the holidays, I decided to run POE ethernet to the station. I was thrilled that all the peripherals could get adequate power over POE.

In fact, it seems like there’s no change to performance no matter how I do it. After lots of various antenna and LNA purchases and various tests and tweaks through much of 2020, I’m at the point now that nothing changes when I try to tweak things. I think I have maximized my station for its current antennas positioning. Only thing left to do might be to chop down the tall forest surrounding me. :slight_smile:


My amazingly messy set-up :grimacing:

I use releasable cable ties, as I’m always trying out new configurations and also live A/B testing with a mini-circuits splitter.


  1. Uputronics filtered preamp with a blue FA Pro Stick Plus into an RPi 3B+
  2. RTL-SDR V3.0 with an FA filter and Nooelec preamp into an RPi 4B

Antenna is currently an Airnav with the fixed 10m coax on a 2m pole, although this will shortly be changing to a Jetvision A3 with 10m LMR400 coax on a 3m pole.


As long as you can find your way :grin:

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Messy is only in the eye on the viewer. As long as you know what it is?
Your antenna management look very professional.

Any neighbours which already have asked about what “suspicious” things are going on?

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The words “file” and “pile” only differ by one single letter. Coincidence??? I don’t think so!!!


It’s an ‘organised mess’; not too dissimilar to my hair style :grin:

Once I’ve stopped experimenting, I’ll come up with a tidy solution, but at the moment there’s no point in keeping it neat.

Only one neighbour has ever noticed and commented on them, and it turns out he’s an aircraft enthusiast and subscribes to FR24’s gold membership, so he was quite impressed.

I tried using my radio scanner’s discone antenna for ADS-B, just for the fun of it, but it resulted in about 50% drop in aircraft :grimacing:

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here is my setup
1x airspy R2
2x Airspy mini
3 antenna’s
FA antenna
360radar 8seg coco antenna
vhf airband halfwave

Piaware 5.0 main server pi4
Piaware 4.1 test server pi4
Piaware 4 360radar Mode A server


I :heart: cable/zip ties. I have them everywhere! Great for every hobby.

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shudder :smiley: