What does your setup look like?

I ran the Spektrum software and results are below. Has to use a ~3ft USB extension cable. Let me know what you think. Gain has been set to 28.0 for awhile now.

FA antenna to Prostick Plus

With FA Filter

With Uptronics Preamp and no FA Filter

And my current setup of FA Antenna-Preamp-FA Filter-FA Prostick Plus

Your scans show that in your case, the FA External filter is definitly much more effective than both integral filters i.e. integral filter of ProStickPlus and integral filter of Uptronics LNA.

CONCLUSION: Keep the FA Filter connected.
(You may have to increase gain by 2 dB to compensate for its insertion loss)

If you see my scans, you will conclude that in my case also, the FA external filter is far more effective than ProStickPlus’s integral filter.

Appreciate the help! I’ll definitely bump the gain up and see what happens.

Santa arrived early and I decided to print brackets to hold the filter, RPI and LNA.
They are stuck with double side tape so it’s easy to replace. Currently I’m testing my interdigital filter before the LNA.


Hallo All,

Doe anyone know if there is an equivalent for Apple?


No Apple. Only Windows and Linux


The oldest computer was an Apple. It was owned by Adam & Eve, but it had extremely small memory. Just one bite, and everything crashed :wink:


Did you use ABS or PLA filament or something else? I only print with PLA and had to change my RPI holder design to deal with the warping / sag caused by the Texas summer heat + gravity combination.


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As the source code is available, there is maybe a volunteer building it for a Mac

@kenf3 It was printed with PLA and it’s a very simple design (I’m also new to FreeCAD).
The slot in the base was done because I’m using the GPIO connector.

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :snake:

I use Tinkercad (free), very easy to create things because you just merge different objects that are either solids or negatives (holes, etc).

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I made an update to my setup.

My setup used to have the FA antenna on the roof, some 10-ish meters of Koka coax cable under the rooftiles to a window where a short piece of flax coax went inside where the FA dongle and Raspberry Pi was.
I used that setup for some years.

Then I wanted to improve things by installing a RTL-SDR LNA. Did that but my receptiong went down to zero. I didn’t want to lose my streak (currently at 1580 days) so I placed everything inside for the time being. That should have been for some days but that was my setup for the last 6 months…

Anyway; last week I went up the roof. Installated the antenne up there again along with the LNA.
Drilled a small hole in the roof so the 2 meter SMA cable could go inside.
Inside is the rest of the hardware (bias tee, FA antenna and RPi).
Installed some power outlets along the way.

On the roof:

FlightAware antenne with LNA by Iemand91, on Flickr

In the attic:

Raspberry 3 with ADS-B by Iemand91, on Flickr

Some stats, I think you can see when I changed the setup :wink:

graphs1090 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Some comparison screenshots:

Tar1090 before:
Tar1090 1 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Tar1090 after:
Tar1090 2 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Planefinder before:
Planefinder 1 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Planefinder after:
Planefinder 2 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Radarbox before:
Radarbox 1 by Iemand91, on Flickr

Radarbox after:
Radarbox 2 by Iemand91, on Flickr

24 hours tracks before:
Tar1090 24 hour tracks 1 by Iemand91, on Flickr

24 hours tracks, after:
Tar1090 24 hour tracks 2 by Iemand91, on Flickr


Is your antenna attached to a metal mast?
if so, it will be adversely affecting your sits performance.
Can you move the mount to the top of the mast?


No, that’s a piece of PVC pipe.

I had a shorter piece before but then the underside of the antenna was just below the top of the roof.
I placed this longer piece to clear the roof top, but I may go back to the older shorter piece since I’m somewhat worried this will break or fail. It’s moving more in the wind.

So I don’t think I will move the antenne to the top of this piece of PVC for that reason.


Happy New Year.
This is the setup I use for testing new antenna the main rig is 2m higher and located in the loft space.

Testbed rig.
Location: UK, Oxford, Bedroom +4m above ground
Antenna: Constructed from 2.4mm Brass tube and an N-type connector and a food can
Rx: Noolec SMArt, Aluminium Enclosure, 0.5PPM, SMA connector (2017)
Filter: None
Processor: Raspberry Pi 3
Operating Sys: PiAware 4.0



Install graphs by @wiedehopf. It is a handy tool to monitor performance.

To Install graphs

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/graphs1090/master/install.sh)"   

To update data

sudo /usr/share/graphs1090/graphs1090.sh 24h  


Thanks, @adsb. Running a few tests over Christmas to see if I can optimize a cantenna that will fit in a watertight document/tool tube i had spare. Happy New year to Canada (I think that’s where you are) .DocTube

:rofl: @adsb looks better than @abcd

Thank you, happy new year to you too.

Right, I am Canadian, and that is one of the two reasons I named the antenna you have built as “Cantenna” :slight_smile:

Can antenna

Canadian antenna