As of 1345Z on Sept 16th, the weather radar for Chicago and Detroit is not working.
We had some network connectivity issues this morning that reduced our weather serving capability, it should be working now.
Looks like it’s working now. Thanks!
Weather radar not working in NYC area
Sporadic weather issues, we’re working on it.
It’s not working, again. But I see you are working on it so I will be patient
Same for out here on the middle West coast.
We’re still having about 3% of weather requests are failing - it’s not localized, random across the country.
Just a note, this morning the display was there when FA/Live first loaded then it was gone. Nice bug to chase . . .
“Well, so what if it is an intermittent; when will it be fixed?”
Stay 8) man do not go to the Dark Side Just stay 8)
Definitely a poltergeist working here. The Wx display was back within minutes of my last post. Most certainly have to pass credit to staff.