Hi there, and please forgive me if this is something already answered, I couldn’t quite see it in the forums so far with some searching…
What I’d like to do is to capture the outputted data from dump1090, but in a human readable format, and then take that output and (on another pi attached to a big hard drive), save it into a MySQL database or something similar. The idea being that for each complete collection event of the following:
Date/Time, Callsign, Lat/Long, Alt, Hdg, Speed
I am able to input those values into a new row in the database (along with the unique id of course). My current setup collects about 60,000 positions a day, which should give me about 2 million records a month. My plan is to use that ‘bulk data’ if you will to be able to draw out stats about airlines with common routes, to be able to answer things like:
How close in three dimensions do their aircraft fly along their set routes? How much does the speed of the aircraft vary (e.g., weather patterns influence), how punctual are they (e.g. over the same spot at the same time each time it is flown).
I’d also like to be able to run some real time analytics on the data as it’s being piped to the database - e.g. look for any airliners whose rate of descent is more than 4,000ft/min (possible emergency situation, therefore send an SMS from the Pi alerting me), and look for aircraft of type 737/A320 with an airspeed of less than 130kts above 10,000ft (similar to before)
So my question really is - is there a tool that can convert beast format coming out of port 30005 into human readable format (I can do the text manipulation etc in python on the human readable bit, I just need to get it there first)?
Thanks again for your help.