the max amount of messages i’ve seen since the device is running was 1150 today where it was busy in my area west of Frankfurt Airport.
Normally i am not getting > 1100
It seems to me (when looking on FlightRadar24) the airspace around FRA/EDDF is a bit more busy ATM than where I live (GRQ/EHGG - in the north of the Netherlands).
Besides I have some high-rise buildings blocking my view to the north / northwest.
I’ve added a modification to give the output:
Graph available at
When @wiedehopf sees it he can update the script on github. The ip address will be for your own pi.
Thanks. I kept scrolling trough this topic for that address…
Yes, the buildings, trees and even other frequency can be the reason. While i am living in a small village with not that much “noise” i can reach almost the range which is geographically possible. A friend of mine in the middle of Vienna is always struggling with the range due to environment.
In your airspace there’s much traffic, but it depends on the range you see.
Did you check for your max range?
A little bit hard to understand but it give you a good idea what is possible as maximum.
Edit: Looking on your profile you already have a good range. So it seem to be less traffic.
3 nmi from his position someone has 7 times the position count in the FA stats.
Either it’s terrain or his setup is just not that good.
(might be interference related)
I was looking at his range rings only in the profile.
Yeah, that must be Hans Gort / PA0EBC, a radio-amateur with a mast in a village, not in a town with flats. And my “setup is just not THAT good”, indeed.
What is your setup?
Even without a mast you can often get a nice view of the horizon from the top of the roof
I’ve posted my setup before, but it won’t hurt posting it again:
- FA antenna
- FA Pro Stick (orange)
- FA SMA Filter (dark blue, model 2019)
- 5 m coax LMR200
This setup is running from inside 99% of the time. On sunny days I put the antenna outside.
View of the horizon is hardly possible in a downtown city center.
To give you an impression, I’m somewhere at the green arrow:
Highrise next to me to the north & NW; even higher at 100m to the SW; multiple GSM-masts around; etc.
Here’s a view of my total range over the last couple of 4 months, exported from VRS:
After more than 3 years running an ADS-B receiver, I’m pretty sure it won’t get better than this without jumping hoops (aka drilling holes in my house) to put the mast outside 24/7.
Well… as long as I get the FlightRadar24 free business account I’m happy with this.
I also assume that you will not get it massively improved with that much surroundings
Replacing the orange with a blue stick in the current setup will help somewhat.
Most likely not much though.
(and only message rate, not range)
I get it running as argument to bash (don’t understand why is not working directly).
But it spits out this error at the end" line 144: ifconfig: command not found
This is on the OrangePi One. Any idea?
The graph seems to be updated:
It’s because you don’t have ifconfig installed (I don’t know what OS you are running on it) - it’s only used to obtain the current IP address to display the graph location at the end of the script. It doesn’t affect the main function of the script, so you can either ignore the error message or remove/comment out the last 2 lines like:
# IP=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p')
# echo "Graph available at: http://$IP/dump1090-fa/data/graph.png"
Edit - use Wiedehopf’s command below, it’s neater.
Thank you! Looks like Armbian Stretch doesn’t have that.
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package ifconfig
ifconfig is deprecated.
ip is the new tool for that stuff.
You can use this command instead, it should work on all systems:
$(ip route | grep -m1 -o -P 'src \K[0-9,.]*')
I have ip and it works.
@wiedehopf - maybe you can edit the first post with all the updated information (like location of the script)?
Which one?
Caius started his own thread in regards to the heatmap, i’d suggest either integrating it there or starting yet another thread.
If you mean the first post of this thread, it’s too old for edits.