Strange flight path - bad data?

I re-installed the Pi over the weekend, because it went offline a few days prior - easier to re-image then rebuild. For the rebuild I added AboveTustin the twitter bot, and from looking at its tweets I’m seeing some bad flight paths, for example:

If I happen to catch it, and check on the regular map I see the same into. I’m using branch 2.6 of project, mutability build. MY twitter bot, and more examples can be found here


That looks like bad mlat data from a non-FA source.

Try an unmodified piaware sdcard image and see if it does the same thing.

Thx obj, I’ll start there.

On the FlightAware → My ADS-B → Control Panel I set “Mode S Multilateration (MLAT)” to disabled, and this has cleaned up my flight paths. What I don’t understand, is that the stats still show that I am sending MLAT positions, thoughts?

edit Looks like I’m reporting fewer MLAT reports, about half as many.

On the plus side, I’m getting to capture some interesting flights:

Then you have another, non-FA mlat source. Using more than one mlat source is going to produce bad tracks; don’t do that.

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

Or more simple put, I can’t read graphs… :unamused: