Some custom SVG plane icons...

If you want to live on the edge and try the custom graphics in 3.5.0, drop this file into /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html replacing the existing one (backup existing one first!)

Got most of Boeing and Airbus in there plus a splash of other stuff, all have black outlines though.

OK, I have “decoded” the new graphics. In a nutshell, it’s currently in my too hard basket to update mine to this new format.

Basically, there are now two paths, one for the fill and one for the outline. This allows the outline to scale with the graphic as there is officially no outline in use from an SVG perspective.

I will continue to update my old graphics into the new wrapper as I prefer them over old.

Wouldn’t mind some input on other ways to dynamically update the outline colour without using the two paths.

Not sure of the reasoning behind this change as it seems to me to be more work.

Here is a sample of a fill path

Here is a sample of an outline path

Slept on it last night, got up and fiddled with the code a bit, got the different coloured outlines working without recoding the graphics, the only thing not working now is the colour change when selected…

Here is link again to markers.js (Build 8)
I have updated it to include these changes



Newest iteration looks good. Works great for me :slight_smile:

Found couple of errors, Im going to edit the file and see if I can find it.

Have a GLF4 and a C25C over head and the Icon is the DASH8 …

EDIT: Seems several A/C exhibit this behavior but I cannot find the commonality.
looked in markers.js but cannot find an error.

Yeah, I noticed something was out last night when I saw a DASH8 way out over the Tasman Sea which is quite rare and unusual, turned out it was a GLF4, will look into code and update…

Found the bug! The SVG code for the GLEX was actually DASH-8 code, fixed it and updated to my share.

Tested it too, Pacific Jets kindly fired up their C52C just for me :slight_smile:

It’s the one in the top right here just under the SH20B icon:

Cool beans, if you post the GLEX code I can just cut and paste it into my markers.js.

Here you go:
svg: ‘.cls-1{fill:aircraft_color_fill;stroke:aircraft_color_stroke;stroke-width:0.5;}glex_live’,

That works peach

Hi FlyingPeteNZ are you still creating Aircraft SVGS?

In Aus we still have a lot of F100, B717 and PC9, PC21 and Hawke aircraft.

Is anyone able to style these up at all?

I am using Dumpmutability which uses the format of ie

//MD Series
//MD11 - Scale 0.98 Meters/point

var _md11 = {
key: “md11”,
scale: 0.98,
size: [64, 64],
anchor: [32, 32],
path: “m 32,0.7 0.3,0.1 0.4,0.4 0.5,0.8 0.6,1.4 0.4,1.7 0.7,4.2 0.2,4.1 0,11.8 4.1,3.2 -0.2,-1.1 0,-1.2 0.1,-1.1 0.2,-0.4 2.5,0 0.2,0.4 0.1,1.1 0,1.2 -0.3,1.3 -0.3,0 -0.3,1.5 16.6,13.4 0,0.6 0.4,2.2 0,1.2 -0.4,-0.9 0,0.3 -9.6,-4.6 -0.1,0.6 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.8 -4.5,-2.3 -0.1,0.7 -0.1,0.4 -0.1,0 -0.1,-0.4 -0.1,-0.9 -1.1,-0.6 -6.5,-1.4 0,4.4 -0.1,4.2 -0.5,3.7 -0.6,3.3 6.6,5.5 0,3.2 -7,-2.6 -0.1,0.8 -0.2,0.7 -0.3,0 -0.5,2.1 -0.2,0 -0.2,0.6 -0.2,-0.6 -0.2,0 -0.5,-2.1 -0.3,0 -0.2,-0.7 -0.1,-0.8 -7,2.5 0,-3.1 6.6,-5.5 -0.6,-3.3 -0.5,-3.7 -0.1,-4.2 0,-4.4 -6.5,1.4 -1.1,0.6 -0.1,0.9 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.7 -4.5,2.3 -0.1,0.8 -0.1,0.3 -0.1,0 -0.1,-0.3 -0.1,-0.6 -9.6,4.6 0,-0.3 -0.4,0.9 0,-1.2 0.4,-2.2 0,-0.6 16.6,-13.4 -0.3,-1.5 -0.3,0 -0.3,-1.3 0,-1.2 0.1,-1.1 0.2,-0.4 2.5,0 0.2,0.4 0.1,1.1 0,1.2 -0.2,1.1 4.1,-3.3 0,-11.7 0.2,-4.1 0.7,-4.2 0.4,-1.7 0.6,-1.4 0.5,-0.8 0.4,-0.4 z”

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Some place where the above content is archived? The dropbox links I’ve tried are dead.

Anybody missing the Airbus A400?

Airbus A400 (with Props)
var _a400 = {
key: “a400”,
scale: 0.55 * 0.65,
size: [130, 130],
anchor: [70, 70],
path: “m 58.8954,118.572 L33.8954,127.678 C33.8954,127.678,34.1059,124.888,34.8954,122.888 C35.6849,120.888,54.5867,107.816,56.3164,106.572 C52.1585,89.1513,52.4743,72.625,52.3164,66.8882 C49.5083,65.018,49.2063,63.7031,49.2638,60.0987 C48.8155,60.1399,47.919,60.2318,47.919,60.2318 L47.7581,61.1655 L47.6345,60.2661 L37.3327,61.0891 L37.2146,61.9111 L37.0443,61.0858 L29.7099,61.6111 L29.5742,62.3839 L29.4155,61.6341 L20.8155,62.3697 L20.6735,63.1754 L20.5189,62.4157 L1.45922,63.9559 C1.45922,63.9559,1.39025,57.9559,1.67558,57.1513 C2.33278,56.3927,19.9109,50.6808,22.6168,49.9161 C23.5971,49.018,22.4382,45.1648,22.6735,43.2236 C22.9087,41.2825,23.2829,39.8523,23.2036,39.4646 C22.4325,39.3441,17.6373,38.9104,17.6373,38.9104 L23.1554,38.6212 C23.1554,38.6212,23.5762,35.9696,24.6756,35.9161 C25.7749,35.8625,25.7819,38.6212,25.7819,38.6212 L31.6132,38.8622 C31.6132,38.8622,26.0271,39.3805,25.9527,39.5069 C25.8783,39.6333,26.4325,41.4993,26.4325,43.4405 C26.4325,45.3817,26.205,48.5043,26.205,48.5043 C26.205,48.5043,38.1305,44.7069,39.0194,44.3069 C39.6614,43.3682,39.0381,40.9736,39.0826,38.618 C39.1008,37.6519,39.7337,35.561,39.7337,34.9827 C38.818,34.7899,33.2444,34.5934,33.5971,34.4402 C35.5409,34.5007,37.3168,34.1052,39.6373,34.067 C40.0277,34.0606,39.8472,31.6306,41.0194,31.5958 C42.1915,31.561,42.205,34.0337,42.205,34.0337 L47.9506,34.308 L42.3602,34.9827 C42.3602,34.9827,42.9385,36.7417,42.9867,38.4285 C43.0349,40.1152,42.8662,43.0309,42.8662,43.0309 L49.7819,40.8622 C49.7819,40.8622,50.8662,36.8622,52.3602,35.4887 C52.4325,29.2959,52.3294,24.738,52.312,22.308 C52.4566,12.3803,55.1993,8.31797,57.2277,5.17544 C57.7843,4.17647,59.6983,2.11512,60.2903,2.09677 C60.549,2.11765,61.5686,2.58824,62.8447,4.90981 C63.0629,5.38461,62.7842,1.01234,62.7842,1.01234 C62.7842,1.01234,62.7463,4.83443,63.0011,5.22921 C65.0294,8.37174,67.7722,12.434,67.9167,22.3617 C67.8993,24.7918,67.7963,29.3497,67.8686,35.5425 C69.3625,36.916,70.4469,40.916,70.4469,40.916 L77.3625,43.0846 C77.3625,43.0846,77.1939,40.169,77.242,38.4822 C77.2902,36.7955,77.8686,35.0364,77.8686,35.0364 L72.2782,34.3617 L78.0238,34.0875 C78.0238,34.0875,78.0372,31.6147,79.2094,31.6496 C80.3815,31.6844,80.2011,34.1144,80.5914,34.1208 C82.9119,34.1589,84.6878,34.5545,86.6316,34.494 C86.9843,34.6472,81.4107,34.8437,80.4951,35.0364 C80.4951,35.6147,81.128,37.7056,81.1462,38.6718 C81.1906,41.0273,80.5673,43.422,81.2094,44.3607 C82.0983,44.7607,94.0238,48.5581,94.0238,48.5581 C94.0238,48.5581,93.7963,45.4354,93.7963,43.4943 C93.7963,41.5531,94.3505,39.687,94.276,39.5607 C94.2016,39.4343,88.6155,38.916,88.6155,38.916 L94.4469,38.675 C94.4469,38.675,94.4538,35.9162,95.5532,35.9698 C96.6525,36.0234,97.0734,38.675,97.0734,38.675 L102.591,38.9641 C102.591,38.9641,97.7963,39.3979,97.0252,39.5184 C96.9458,39.906,97.32,41.3362,97.5553,43.2774 C97.7906,45.2186,96.6316,49.0718,97.612,49.9698 C100.318,50.7345,117.896,56.4465,118.553,57.2051 C118.839,58.0097,118.77,64.0097,118.77,64.0097 L99.7098,62.4695 L99.5553,63.2292 L99.4132,62.4235 L90.8133,61.6879 L90.6546,62.4376 L90.5189,61.6649 L83.1845,61.1395 L83.0141,61.9649 L82.896,61.1429 L72.5943,60.3199 L72.4707,61.2192 L72.3098,60.2856 C72.3098,60.2856,71.4132,60.1936,70.9649,60.1525 C71.0224,63.7568,70.7205,65.0718,67.9123,66.942 C67.7544,72.6788,68.0702,89.2051,63.9123,106.626 C65.642,107.869,84.5439,120.942,85.3334,122.942 C86.1228,124.942,86.3334,127.731,86.3334,127.731 L61.411,118.587 L60.2718,121.903 z”

Looks good, I notice you have it at size 130x 130 whereas i think most are at 64x64. I dont think that matters though in the config as long as it is set correctly.

I have knocked some up as well:

//SR22 - by Brendon Cox

var _sr22 = {
key: “sr22”,
scale: 0.35,
size: [64, 64],
anchor: [32, 32],
path: “m 32.73767,14.08306 -0.428878,0.167119 -0.357398,1.215153 -4.074339,0.07148 3.783898,0.546248 -1.139152,0.382987 -0.357398,0.617013 -0.50345,2.242172 v 5.86133 L 27.233738,25.61544 16.660953,26.08306 16.583274,25.829878 5.6609533,26.08306 5.003574,26.616154 4.0743388,28.474625 3.9313796,29.40386 l 0.2859185,0.6792 23.7312369,2.751822 1.712418,0.07148 0.860848,4.789135 1.139152,4.074339 0.36192,3.645461 -8.577555,0.857755 -0.285918,0.214439 -0.357399,1.143674 0.214439,0.786276 0.428878,0.428878 8.934954,0.236741 -0.14296,0.621014 -1.429592,1.572552 1.715511,-1.000715 v 2.07291 l 0.428878,-0.265761 -0.07148,-1.807149 1.780324,1.286634 -1.422926,-2.00143 0.07148,-0.478055 8.577555,-0.308221 0.643317,-0.142959 0.130574,-1.072195 -0.487972,-0.786275 -0.643317,-0.69035 -7.868711,-0.882203 0.220391,-3.288062 0.779609,-4.145819 0.864423,-4.683916 21.872766,-2.464047 3.859899,-0.535953 0.402912,-1.393996 -0.545871,-1.286634 -1.072194,-1.31937 -1.143674,-0.110222 -10.007148,-0.285919 v 0.500358 l -10.721944,-0.500358 -2.215869,-0.428878 -0.214439,-5.861329 -0.428878,-1.92995 -1.649983,-1.383702 4,-0.403289 -4,-0.357398 z”

//S340B SF3 - by Brendon Cox

var _sf3 = {
key: “sf3”,
scale: 0.45,
size: [64, 64],
anchor: [32, 32],
path: “m 32.236842,1.8289474 -1.80921,1.7606915 -1.398027,4.6537822 -0.368652,16.0361839 -4.318848,0.493421 -0.08224,-4.689966 -0.164473,-1 -0.08224,-0.806744 h 3.647795 l -0.111611,-0.493421 -3.618421,0.164473 -0.657895,-0.740131 -0.740131,0.875823 -4.358553,-0.300165 v 0.493421 l 4.486611,0.164473 -0.374769,1.642271 -0.328947,1 -0.296284,3.772203 L 3.6609533,26.993421 3.125,27.240132 2.8782895,30.08306 l 0.493421,0.364308 18.9144735,1.398027 -0.08224,0.575658 0.986842,0.328947 0.575658,-0.411184 0.08224,-0.493421 4.6875,0.575658 0.124769,14.884868 0.6976,2.631579 -9.292764,1.726974 -0.575657,0.328947 -0.328948,2.467105 11.348684,1.809211 1.398027,3.813323 1.5625,-3.566613 10.773026,-1.644736 0.417532,-0.246711 v -2.055921 l -0.582006,-0.657895 -9.62171,-2.055921 0.822368,-2.467106 0.246711,-14.884868 4.851973,-0.328947 0.164474,0.575658 0.822369,0.246711 0.740131,-0.328948 0.08224,-0.411184 18.832237,-1.31579 0.328947,-0.24671 -0.24671,-2.713816 -0.441021,-0.411184 -18.144506,-2.486019 -0.164473,-3.763981 -0.411185,-1.726974 -0.411184,-1.233552 3.865132,0.08224 -0.08224,-0.357729 h -3.651547 l -0.789242,-0.793586 -0.657895,0.793586 -3.453948,-0.217928 v 0.411184 l 3.618421,0.08224 -0.328947,0.724507 -0.164474,1.578124 V 24.85527 L 35.361842,24.197368 35.526316,8.7368421 34.660953,5.2828947 34.046053,3.3914474 z”

…and here is a new drawing of A400 with straight lines, still looking nice :slight_smile:
But, less memory consumption!

// Airbus A400
var _a400 = {
key: “a400”,
scale: 0.55 * 0.65,
size: [130, 130],
anchor: [70, 70],
path: “m 60.2353,6.87783 L62.5882,9.40724 L63.1312,5.07692 L63.7059,11.3484 L67.1765,19.0543 L67.4706,39.5837 L70.4118,45.2896 L77.2941,47.8778 L77,43.9367 L78.2941,39.6425 L72.7059,38.7149 L77.4118,38.2896 L79.1176,35.8778 L80.7647,38.2308 L87,38.8914 L80.8235,39.9367 L81.2941,43.4661 L80.9412,48.6199 L93.5294,52.9367 L93.5294,48.3484 L94.2941,44.3484 L89.1765,43.819 L94.1176,42.7602 L95.5882,40.4661 L97.1176,42.7602 L102.471,43.5747 L97.1176,44.5249 L98,48.2896 L97.3756,54.0905 L118.683,62.0181 L118.706,68.6425 L100.941,67.2443 L99.4118,70.0543 L98.9412,67.1131 L91.5294,66.267 L90.7647,68.8778 L89.7059,66.2896 L83.8235,65.7738 L82.9412,69.1719 L82.3529,65.6516 L73.4118,64.819 L72.4706,68.9955 L71.5294,64.5837 L70.7059,68.7602 L67.7647,71.2308 L67.5294,91.5131 L63.9882,110.925 L85.3529,127.348 L86.2941,132.878 L61.5882,123.348 L60.3529,127.466 L59.4118,123.231 L33.5882,132.29 L34.8824,126.878 L56.2353,110.819 L53,91.3484 L52.5882,72.1131 L49.7059,68.7602 L49.1765,64.6425 L48.0588,68.5249 L46.8824,64.8869 L38.4706,65.5747 L37.2941,69.3484 L36.3529,65.9955 L30.6471,66.1719 L29.7059,69.2896 L28.5294,66.3394 L21.4118,67.0679 L20.7059,70.1719 L19.5294,67.1719 L1.39819,68.5611 L1.65611,61.7828 L22.8824,54.2896 L22.5294,48.7014 L23.5882,43.819 L17.7059,43.4661 L23.1765,42.4661 L24.5882,40.1719 L25.8235,42.4661 L31.7059,43.4796 L26.1176,44.3484 L26.7647,48.7602 L26.0588,53.0679 L38.9412,48.7964 L39.1765,43.8778 L40.1176,39.4072 L33.2353,39.0543 L39.7647,37.7014 L41.2941,35.1719 L42.1765,38.0543 L48,38.8326 L42.6471,40.0543 L43.2805,44.0543 L42.8824,47.5837 L50,44.9955 L52.5294,40.1131 L53,18.5249 L56.1765,11.2308 z”

Made a F100

//F100 - by Brendon Cox

var _f100 = {
key: “f100”,
scale: 0.50,
size: [64, 64],
anchor: [32, 32],
path: “m 31.769237,1.9654189 -1.294505,0.9319777 -0.813779,1.8745246 -0.334766,2.3111388 -0.229709,16.181871 -10.435525,4.594181 -8,2.756508 -0.553755,0.689127 -0.4462447,1.225115 0.3696747,0.459418 8.630325,-0.459418 0.175188,0.765697 0.229709,-0.07657 0.382848,-0.689127 3.598775,-0.446802 0.306279,1.135929 0.535988,-1.135929 5.130168,-0.242325 0.153139,4.441041 h -0.382848 l -0.129246,-0.612557 -2,-0.153139 -0.320984,0.56698 0.459418,7 0.995406,0.319697 0.86616,-0.319697 1.354361,0.779115 1.148545,5.359877 -0.07657,0.765697 -5.895865,3.981623 v 1.914242 l 0.382849,0.199446 5.589586,-1.118282 0.689127,1.301684 0.807967,-1.301684 5.547317,1.225115 0.452683,-0.106833 0.0833,-1.730839 -0.0833,-0.535988 -5.889131,-3.733173 -0.110869,-1.167287 1,-4.67075 1.40796,-1.161963 0.59204,0.396266 0.709644,-0.07657 0.535988,-0.459419 0.754368,-6.584992 -0.601229,-0.765697 -1.837672,-0.07657 -0.382848,0.842266 -0.382849,0.153139 0.204598,-4.517611 5,0.229709 0.384989,0.859477 0.535988,-1 3.675344,0.293663 0.229709,0.918836 0.17397,-0.07657 0.591727,-0.765697 8.408273,0.306279 0.47381,-0.153139 -0.09096,-1.293661 L 52.909648,30.69219 34.660953,23.341501 34.456355,7.08306 33.996937,4.9647779 32.924962,2.8123507 z”

You can easily change this to a F70 by adjusting the scale smaller.

Great !
I’ve really missed this F100 !

It’s one of the main aircraft i see, along with the B738.

Hi Coxy,
Haven’t done any aircraft in some time, got to the point where I had most of the local fleet covered so lost momentum.