Sleve Balun and/or Ferrite Choke on CoCo?

Hello antenna hobbyists,

Like probably every tenth ADS-B beginner, I tried out a few self-made antennas and ended up with the 7+1 element CoCo as the best solution. Of all the designs tested by @abcd567, I use the one with the λ/4 * k tip, then short circuit, followed by λ/4 * 1 whip. I used German Technisat 3011, 5.6mm cable with well documented data sheet, k=0,85. Quite good performance: has a raw signal strength at same level of my 1.5mm² made Franklin - while Franklin is amplified by an 10€ inline LNA.

At the bottom end I connected an λ/4 upward sleeve made of heat shrink tubing + aluminum household foil + outer heat shrink tubing to the shield.

Now the questions remains:

  • Do I need a ferrite against common mode current?
  • And if so, where is the ideal placement for it?
  • Does a rule also apply on the cable shield, where standing waves have a “current belly”?
  • And should the ferrite go exactly there? Or better elsewhere?
  • And: Is the feeding point in CoCo equal to the “current belly” or to the “voltage belly”?

I can’t transform the CoCo myself to dipole or GP concept, because in my understanding CoCo with 7 elements is a loop antenna made of 7 dipoles in a series connection with 7 phase shifters. So I couldn’t imagine the feeding point in this world.

Thanks to all experienced HAM and antenna experts.

(My shame, I learned all this stuff years before, but it was the time when i8088 started hunting the Z80… long ago.)


I’d like to push up my question once more.

Reading Jeroen Steeman’s antenna calculator for CoCo, the schematic is showing some ferrite. But he remains a little unclear as to whether he actually used a ring ferrite, a series of folded ferrites, or what else.

As I read at several HAM pages, the usual cheap folding ferrites are not well enough for VHF or UHF, winding some loops through a ring ferrite would be better. I have no experience how many µH I would need, if an air coil would be sufficient and which end of the coil should be placed exactly at λ/4 (or λ/2?) from feeding point.

Could you, dear reader, share your experience here?