Hello antenna hobbyists,
Like probably every tenth ADS-B beginner, I tried out a few self-made antennas and ended up with the 7+1 element CoCo as the best solution. Of all the designs tested by @abcd567, I use the one with the λ/4 * k tip, then short circuit, followed by λ/4 * 1 whip. I used German Technisat 3011, 5.6mm cable with well documented data sheet, k=0,85. Quite good performance: has a raw signal strength at same level of my 1.5mm² made Franklin - while Franklin is amplified by an 10€ inline LNA.
At the bottom end I connected an λ/4 upward sleeve made of heat shrink tubing + aluminum household foil + outer heat shrink tubing to the shield.
Now the questions remains:
- Do I need a ferrite against common mode current?
- And if so, where is the ideal placement for it?
- Does a rule also apply on the cable shield, where standing waves have a “current belly”?
- And should the ferrite go exactly there? Or better elsewhere?
- And: Is the feeding point in CoCo equal to the “current belly” or to the “voltage belly”?
I can’t transform the CoCo myself to dipole or GP concept, because in my understanding CoCo with 7 elements is a loop antenna made of 7 dipoles in a series connection with 7 phase shifters. So I couldn’t imagine the feeding point in this world.
Thanks to all experienced HAM and antenna experts.
(My shame, I learned all this stuff years before, but it was the time when i8088 started hunting the Z80… long ago.)