I contacted the owner of the ‘heywhatsthat.com’ site and asked about incorporating the results of his up in the air script directly into dump1090-mut maps. He was extremely helpful and told me of an undocumented API call which he is happy for us to use.
Once you have created a view on his site you can then use the ID of that site in this call:
It will return a JSON variable with the coordinates for the visible polygon at whatever height you request in meters (I’ve asked for 10,000 meters in the example above). As an example, here’s what I get returned for my location at 10,000 meters:
It is then fairly straightforward to plot those coordinates as an overlay on the map (the red polygon is the 10,000 ft view, i.e.3048 meters).
He also told me how you can change the refraction value that his script uses to one more suitable for RF. If you enter his site through the URL: heywhatsthat.com/?refraction=1 then, when you create a new view, you are given the option to set the refraction value. He suggests using 0.25 instead of the default 0.14 which is used for visible light.