I was able to receive alerts through our webhook and I am able to receive test notifications, however starting yesterday we cannot get an alert to come through. We only want an alert for a specific flight and at this time, we only care when the aircraft reaches the gate, or if the flight is cancelled or diverted. Here is what I am passing in:
alert_id: 0
indent = ENY4049
origin = KDFW
destination : KMSY
date_start = 1609880100 (2:55PM CST)
date_end= 1609880100 (2:55PM CST)
channels = {16 e_diverted e_cancelled} {split_block_times 1}
enabled = true
alert_id: 0
Ident: ENY4194
origin = KCVG
destination : KDFW
date_start = 1609867200 (12:20AM EST)
date_end= 1609867200 (12:20AM EST)
channels = {16 e_diverted e_cancelled} {split_block_times 1}
enabled = true
When I do a GetAlerts call, I get the alert information and I see the date_start/date_end are the same for both alerts and set to 12:00AM GMT, however since they do not match what I passed in, Im not sure if that is some kind of error or the times are set as default. However, there was an earlier flight with the same number #4194, and we only wanted the second one.
{“GetAlertsResult”:{“num_alerts”:2,“alerts”:[{“alert_id”:38043714,“enabled”:true,“description”:“Envoy Air 4049 (KDFW → KMSY)”,“type”:“Form_Airline”,“ident”:“ENY4049”,“user_ident”:“”,“aircrafttype”:“”,“origin”:“KDFW”,“destination”:“KMSY”,“date_start”:1609804800,“date_end”:1609804800,“channels”:[{“channel_id”:-1,“channel_name”:“split_block_times”},{“channel_id”:16,“channel_name”:“FlightXML push”,“mask_summary”:“”,“e_filed”:false,“e_departure”:false,“e_arrival”:false,“e_diverted”:true,“e_cancelled”:true,“target_address”:“”}],“alert_created”:1609866100,“alert_changed”:1609866100},{“alert_id”:38043713,“enabled”:true,“description”:“Envoy Air 4194 (KCVG → KDFW)”,“type”:“Form_Airline”,“ident”:“ENY4194”,“user_ident”:“”,“aircrafttype”:“”,“origin”:“KCVG”,“destination”:“KDFW”,“date_start”:1609804800,“date_end”:1609804800,“channels”:[{“channel_id”:-1,“channel_name”:“split_block_times”},{“channel_id”:16,“channel_name”:“FlightXML push”,“mask_summary”:“”,“e_filed”:false,“e_departure”:false,“e_arrival”:false,“e_diverted”:true,“e_cancelled”:true,“target_address”:“”}],“alert_created”:1609866100,“alert_changed”:1609866100}]}}
Am I doing this correctly, are the epoch values incorrect due to timezone differences. This function is very intermittent which I suspect the problem being due to the way I am calling the method. I looked through the discussions as much as I could to get to this point, but when I am seeing intermittent errors its time to ask.
Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.