I am getting an error trying to access the methods in this class. The connection seems to work for other classes.
ArrayOfAirlineFlightScheduleStruct results = client.AirlineFlightSchedules(today.Seconds, tomorrow.Seconds, “”, “”, “”, “”, 100, 0);
foreach (var rr in results.data)
System.Console.WriteLine(rr.actual_ident + " " + rr.aircrafttype + " " + rr.departuretime + " " + rr.origin + " " + rr.arrivaltime + " " + rr.destination);
Actual error in InnerException reads: {“End element ‘Fault’ from namespace ‘http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/’ expected. Found element ‘SOAP-ENV:detail’ from namespace ‘http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/’. Line 2, position 384.”}
What can I do to make AirlineFlightSchedules work? I am a subscribed user with an API Key.