Search capabilities/ request


Is it possible to find an aircraft in flight by lat/long and time of position.
-lat 41.8081 -lon -103.70771 -lastPositionTime 684066181 and return flight info as usual
If this isn’t supported, is there a way this can be added

Thanks in advance,

I figured I give some more context.When testing the search api /flights/search I was passing:
-origin KMSP -latlong “44.8664 -93.2366 39.9314 -108.0324” I used the first position and the last reported with a little more than an hour to go.

I retrieved the lat/long from the track log on the site for flight DAL1273 enroute to KLAS from KMSP on 5/14/2023 scheduled departure 11:28 AM CDT

I was returned 3 flights, none of which was this one. I added -destination KLAS and was returned 0 flights

I didn’t post the results but I can on request. I understand why the KSAN flight was in the results but I don’t understand why the KLAS flight was missing.

If we could pass the time we captured the lat/long and possibly the altitude in the search we should be able to find the flight.


Try the /flights/search/advanced method and use a query of something like:

{range lat 39.9314 44.8664} {range lon -108.0324 -93.2366} {range clock 1684066120 1684066100}

Keep in mind that the search functions have a limited search timeframe within the last 24 hours, so the exact query I provided above won’t work by the time you run it. However, you can modify your program to generate queries something like that in the future.

I was returned 3 flights, none of which was this one. I added -destination KLAS and was returned 0 flights

If you didn’t get the results in your initial query, then adding another restriction of the destination will not help you get more results. Adding additional terms only further filters the results, since each additional term is treaded as a logical AND of the all of the existing filters.

I am still struggling with the search query. I have been testing the api using a current flight and using the track log for the location data. The example you provided show ranges but I have taken different location ranges and I am sure I must be doing something incorrect because I get nothing back. What I would like to do is find a flight enroute by providing a latitude, longitude, altitude and time. Those 4 attributes should uniquely identify the flight. Any help you can provide will be appreciated.
