São Paulo Guarulhos - Flights Information


Sao Paulo Guarulhos Airport (GRU) is the largest and busiest airport in Brazil and we find it strange that is just covered as a secondary service. It makes no sense!

We would like to understand what would require to move an airport from a secondary service area to primary.

In the past we have reported issues in other airports related to the coverage you offer. Although, for this one in particular is crucial we have accurate data about the flights.

We are currently studying a different flight data provider to replace your service in case of an absence of a solution from your end.

Please confirm urgently that you will resolve this problem and provide us with a date for the resolution.

Thanks in advance for your time and we are looking forward to your feedback.

Primary service area coverage in FlightAware is generally only possible where the responsible ANSP (air navigation service provider) for that airspace is willing to provide FlightAware with a full data feed with all ATC-controlled aircraft with no significant data redistribution limitations. For Brazil, it is the Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (DECEA) and that is not currently something they would permit.