Thanks to the weather SAN is landing on 09 and departing 27 which means lots of delays.
Yay! suicide ops! SAN hasn’t done that in a long time, unlike LAX, that does that every night when calm wind conditions exist. the rain they’re getting down there though, is dangerous. Authorities are telling home owners on the cost or around places that were hit by wildfires earlier this year to get out, because of threats of mudslides…
Actually, SAN does it quite often. All that’s needed really is a low marine layer. They’ll run about 8 or 10 departures as quick as they can on 27 (They still do position and hold at SAN, so it goes by quickly), then bring in 8 or 10 from the holding pattern onto the ILS 9. Sometimes, though, when it’s mainly the wind favoring 9 (regardless of clouds), they will run the approaches there, and a few will actually use 9 for takeoff, but some go down to 27 and wait 20 minutes.
Edit: Matter of fact, that’s exactly what they are doing right now. wind is 110/12, landing 9, most are departing 9. An American MD83 just took off on 27 tho, likely had to wait about 20 minutes for that.
As far as LAX on a calm clear night, it is interesting to see one plane departing 25L with another one on short final to 6L. Had to do a double-take on that one the first time I saw it.