Repeating something I’ve written before–
Numbers go up, numbers go down. Was it something I did, did something break, or is it just variations in traffic?
Kind of hard to tell, if you don’t have a reference to compare to, yes?
But how do you get a reference when traffic changes day to day?
Well, look on your stats page at the stations listed near you. Look at a few in more detail. Pick one close to you (similar terrain, that kind of thing), similar numbers, and been around for a while (so you’re betting they’re going to continue to be around – but past performance is no guarantee of future behaviour).
I keep a spreadsheet with the numbers for my stations, and the numbers for my local reference station. Since I’m on the Left Coast, I collect numbers at around 4:30 in the afternoon, which is around 00:30 UTC, the end of one record keeping day and slightly into the next.
That way when I go to update my numbers, and like today, gee, things have dropped quite a bit! What happened? But looking at my other site, and my reference site, all the numbers are down. Okay, it’s not just me. Traffic is off locally.
The spreadsheet helps when I make changes in my setup (I have a test system that I tweak). Make a change, watch results for a few days. Did it help, hurt, or not change much? With data, I can make a determination.
Have fun–
bob k6rtm