ProStick+ Filter Bypass

I was given a ProStick+ at the PiAware presentation at Airventure 2021. I would like to receive GA 978mhz signals. There is a 1090 filter in the stick but I would like to bypass that filter and use an external one that I have on hand that is both 1090mhx and 978mhz. Is there any information on the modification needed to bypass the filter. I have the ability to solder and other electronics modifications I just need to know where to/the steps to do it. Any help would be appreciated

There is a SAW filter on there.
But you’d need to replace it with something that doesn’t destroy the signal and simple wire wouldn’t do it.
Also the traces are very narrow and likely you’d just destroy it.

Better to get an SDR without filtering in the first place.

Maybe someone would trade you for a Prostick (yellow and no filter).

The replacement price starts at $10 which is cheaper than the mod will cost you.

Your filter may do both 1090 and 978, but a single (RTL) dongle won’t, so you are up for a second receiver regardless.

Hey, I gave that to you! Really appreciate you coming to my presentation.

The Pro Stick Plus is not appropriate for 978 UAT. One of my business cards was in the bag with the SDR. Please email me and I’ll help you out with this.


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