I have searched previous posts but have yet to find an explanation for the internal IDs returned with “:2” on the schedule response records
E.g. we saw “JAL44-1642186860-schedule-0524:2" Which returns an error when using the search by ident until we remove the 2nd part after the colon.
Also to save on duplicate posts, when a flight is delayed before take-off, can the schedule time change or would we just expect the actual to reflect the change.
E.g. When a flight is delayed (possibly overnight)
- This is important for our integration as we’ll reference internally using the flight identifier and scheduled time, assuming any duplicates are referencing the same flight.
Many thanks
The :2 in the internal ID is used on our end internally and is just a fork off of the base internal ID JAL44-1642186860-schedule-0524. I would stick with using the base internal ID to avoid further errors.
For the second question, this is all dependent on what updated data we receive in regards to that delay. If we don’t receive anything, then it will be reflected in the actual.
Taylor Fischer -
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Hi Taylor, thanks for your response:
This was I assume a base id, please see the data that broke our test integration:
Can we get some clarification on how best to convert the fa_flight_id to a valid ID for your system? Can we always split on the colon character and assume the 2nd part can be discarded? The ID format is highly unnerving.
Thanks for letting us know the scheduled time might also update - we will try our best to work around this unknown.
Thanks for raising this issue. We are working up a fix for this issue. We’ll let you know when that is in place.
V4.2 has just been released, and will now ensure the fa_flight_id is always stripped of the fork (:#) value. Thank you for the valuable feedback.
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