I recently set up a version of Joe Prochazka’s receiver project with Dump978 feeding to Dump1090-mutability (Dump1090 sdr set to “none” for “net-only” operation). I was pleasantly surprised that I had gone several days and wasn’t plagued by the Dump978 shutting down that several people had talked about on other Dump978 threads and took a look at the Piaware log just to see how everything was working out.
I was surprised to see these 2 lines “marked in red” stating that PiAware 3.5.1 was going to restart everything after 3898 seconds (little over an hour) which is what everybody in other post was doing with cron routines which was pretty nice but then I saw the 2nd line that said “can’t restart dump1090, no services that look like dump1090 found” although it seemed to get everything going again anyhow.
So I guess the question is how come I don’t have this same disconnect problem with dump979 after a period of inactivity that others have had and can this “reset” routine be changed to see dump1090-mutability as well as dump978. I haven’t completely yet understood all the in’s and out’s of where everything is, and how it works on the Pi yet so I was hoping some of you that are vastly more adept could come up with a solution\answer.