Piaware dpkg-query threads in background

is there a command to check all 3 pis and pc with a network command on ssh

(1) Are you loggedin to your flightaware account when you visit the claims page?

(2) What do you see on the claims page? Please post the screenshot of claiims page:



Yes logged in all time but still checked

to many in use ? how do i kill old ones not in use

Great! You have lot of un-used feeder-id’s.
Just copy serial. #1. Copy only the part starting with 8925e and ending at 76cff. Dont copy colon : at the end of 76cff. Now paste this copied feeder-id in SSH window and add before it “sudo piaware-config feeder-id”. The completed command will be like this:

sudo piaware-config feeder-id 8925exxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxc-xxxxxxx76cff

sudo systemctl restart piaware

After 5 minutes go to My-ADSB page and check, also check by following commands:

sudo journalctl -u piaware | grep "logged in to FlightAware as user"

sudo journalctl -u piaware | grep "site statistics URL"

Oh my thankyou so much for your time
all working well
fantastic service from you
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Glad to know your problem is solved.

Ok, now edit your post and delete screenshot of your claims page which has all your feeder ids.

I will also delete this screenshot, and also remove middle part of the full feeder-id I typed in the command.

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