Passing flights voice announcement

I just created an amateur Python program that monitors all flights reported by my Piaware entering a certain radius from my home, and then sends a written message along with a spoken audio message to a Telegram bot with the flight details. It also plays the recorded message in my Raspberry.

So every time I see a passing flight, I know it’s details. After the aircraft exits my defined radius, it also reports what was the closest distance to my site, the altitude above ground (with the error that comparing barometric altitude and actual ground elevation above sea level may create) at that moment and in which direction from my site.

It’s in Spanish, but translating it should be very easy, and the configuration is stored in a little config file with the base coordinates, the size of the radius of the circle delimiting the reporting area, and. the data fields I want to be spoken (so making it run for your location should not take more than a minute).

Attached is a screenshot of whats sent to telegram for a given aircraft and a sample of the spoken message is here Voice Announcement.

Let me know if you are interested in it or any improvements you may think of. It may be interesting to incorporate it to other developements, like TAR1090 for example.