9 - USING ONLY ONE FREQUENCY (978 Mhz OR 1090 Mhz)
9.1 - If you want to run 978 Mhz only
In this case, you will need only one dongle, but you will have to disable dump1090-fa by following command
sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr
sudo piaware-config receiver-type none
sudo systemctl restart piaware
To re-enable dump1090-fa (requires an additional dongle for dump1090-fa)
sudo piaware-config receiver-type rtlsdr
sudo systemctl restart piaware
9.2 - If you want to run 1090 Mhz only
In this case, you will need only one dongle, but you will have to disable dump978-fa by following command
sudo piaware-config receiver-type rtlsdr
sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type none
sudo systemctl restart piaware
To re-enable dump978-fa (requires an additional dongle for dump978-fa)
sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr
sudo systemctl restart piaware