This cant be all of the flights from ORD to JFK can it?
:confused: :smiling_imp: I mean is there really no mainline service between JFK and ORD??? :unamused:


as opposed to ORD to LGA


and EWR


JFK has a mostly international presence, and most of the mainline traffic that would go to it probably goes over to LGA, which is almost exclusively domestic. EWR is a different market, and is home to CO, which explains the mainline service EWR-ORD.

I agree with Newark777.

The last time I flew to Europe with a New York connection I had to fly into LGA and then catch a bus to JFK. There’s decent bus service, but it’s still a pain.

Considering that airlines these days fill their planes with connecting passengers, LGA and EWR fill that role well. JFK is not a domestic hub and the number of connecting passengers coming in from overseas is not sufficient to support a full hub function for the big guys.