Orange Pi PC -- a $15 alternative to RPi 2? So far, so good

Welcome to the crazy band wagon of Orange Pi!
Which model of OPi you have ordered? OPi Plus or OPi PC?

I know I saw somewhere on here where this has been setup successfully. Can someone point me to the most current working setup instructions?

There is no one place where there are consolidated instructions. It is still under trial by some (including me), we report problem & solutions on day to day basis. At this stage you have to go through several pages of several threads to get a fairly good grasp of the subject.

Please go through this thread and the thread linked below:
Click here: Adsb Feeder Project Setup Scripts

I’ve also ordered a Extreme Duty SD Card that has “wear limiting” built in to hopefully extend the life of the card.


Dont worry about wearing a microSD card. I use 8Gb class 10 cards costing only US $5, and I have formatted and burned OS images on each at least a dozen times. None has failed yet, and when it fails, I will throw in trash can, taking the loss as if I ate a $5 burger.