Two things I remember about my checkride. #1 was the weather. After a good two hours of being grilled in the oral exam, it was time to go up. It was a hot, sunny June day. I checked the weather and saw red thunderstorms on RADAR near the route of my planned x-country. I flat-out refused to fly - PERIOD! We postponed the flight for the next morning. I awoke to dense fog out my window. I decided to go ahead and drive out to the airport hoping the fog would burn-off soon. As I got nearer to the airport, things seemed to improve but it still didn’t look good. When I got to the airport, things weren’t so bad there, but you could still see low clouds all around. The examiner arrived shortly after I did and he asked me if I was ready. I was very surprized to hear that and I questioned him and told him I didn’t think it didn’t looked good.
He looked at me and then looked up and all around the airport and said, “The ceiling’s better than 2,000 feet and I can see for at least five miles!”
I mentioned the low clouds obscuring the surrounding mountains and we’d need at least 5,500 feet to clear the mountains for the cross-country.
He agreed and said, “Let’s go up anyway. We’ll go as far as we can on the cross-country and turn back to do the maneuvers.”
I asked him if he was deliberately trying to trick me into going so he could fail me and he assured me that he was not. I stated to him for the record that in a real world situation I would wait for better weather. I then asked him if he had current approach plates in his bag and he said he did, so I said, “Let’s do this thing!”
The only other thing that stands out in my mind was that after we did all the maneuvers, he told me to go back to the airport. On the way back, I was thinking about how we hadn’t done an emergency procedure 
Well, we got into the traffic pattern and he told me to do a short field landing, so I prepared for that. As we got just past the numbers on the downwind leg, he pulled the power and told me that I just lost my engine! I started talking myself through the procedure (as my instructor told me I should do through all of the procedures). “First I setup for best glide speed - 65 knots…”
The examiner actually shouted at me: “TURN THIS AIRPLANE TOWARD THE RUNWAY!!!”
I was like, “Yeah… okay… I guess that works too…” 
The rest of the test went fine.