So I just set this thing up last night and this morning it says not working. local:8080 page not found
I know zero minus 100 about SSH or *.nix. On my flightaware ads-b page it shows a log file that refreshes every 15 sec which makes it a pain to try to scroll back and read anything. But best I can tell is it says it updated and was rebooting and hoped to be right back
I think it says 1090 started but the no data on port 30005
FWIW,when I built it and turned it on PI loads with just a berry in the middle of the screen. I do not see any flight aware programs in the menu?
How do you make the log STOP SCROLLING
and any ideas why the update went south or what to do
Looked at your stats at:
It was reporting at 05:00 so dump1090 and piaware are configured and run.
If you are seeing the berry, then you are running in windows mode.
You are going to be learning some *nix comands in order to check things out.
The file /tmp/piaware.out logs the piaware activity on your machine. ‘cat /tmp/piware.out’ will list it.
To check the status of the processes ‘sudo piaware-status’ will show what is running.
You will need to open the *nix equivalent of a DOS shell to run them.
Good luck and welcome aboard.
Well since it is windows mode reboot LOL
a power cycle started it back up so I don’t have to learn anything else new yet
the “upgrade/reboot” must have been flawed. FWIW I tried the reboot function from the stats page with no luck
I would like to be able to remote desktop to my PI, but I suppose there is not really anything to see there.