No feed after modem and router upgrade


I installed both a new modem and router using same ISP. However, no my piaware isn’t working/reporting. What do I need to do? I tried restart but no joy.


[2022-06-23 15:52 PDT] logged in to FlightAware as user Dreamflight767
[2022-06-23 15:52 PDT] my feeder ID is 899eed20-6cd9-4c20-b3f1-4a01229fd1cc
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] my feeder ID is 899eed20-6cd9-4c20-b3f1-4a01229fd1cc
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] site statistics URL: Dreamflight767 ADS-B Feeder Statistics - FlightAware
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] ADS-B data program ‘dump1090-fa’ is listening on port 30005, so far so good
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout --lat 45.572 --lon -122.669
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] Started faup1090 (pid 1395) to connect to dump1090-fa
[2022-06-23 15:58 PDT] 1121 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (673 in last 101m); 315 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2022-06-23 16:03 PDT] 3817 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (2696 in last 5m); 3011 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2022-06-23 16:08 PDT] 7136 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (3319 in last 5m); 6330 msgs sent to FlightAware
[2022-06-23 17:38 PDT] logged in to FlightAware as user Dreamflight767
[2022-06-23 17:38 PDT] my feeder ID is 899eed20-6cd9-4c20-b3f1-4a01229fd1cc
[2022-06-23 17:38 PDT] site statistics URL: Dreamflight767 ADS-B Feeder Statistics - FlightAware

That site is currently connected and seems to be feeding data fine …

Hi. We can close this. I fixed the issue by unplugging my unit from the electrical outlet, waiting a few minutes, and plugging it back in.

Thank you.

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