New device VHF Airband FlightStick from Radarbox/Airnav Systems

Does Installing libfftw3-dev help?

Nitr0 is correct.

For those of you building stuff from scratch all the time, I find this helps a lot:

sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update

Once that is done, you an do stuff like this:

$ apt-file search 'fftw3.h'
libfftw3-dev: /usr/include/fftw3.h        
libvigraimpex-dev: /usr/include/vigra/fftw3.hxx

Yes, installing libfftw3-dev fixed the ptoblem and I could make it then install it, but dont know what next.

I purchased this antenna about 3 months ago, but I don’t know if, due to my inability or the fact that it is badly made, it never worked.
I tried to use it with a nooelec v2 dongle both positioned near the flightaware-adsb antenna and exactly outside an airport.
(I used rtl_airband)
Anyone have any advice?

Airband is much more sensitive to having accurate tuning than ads-b. You need to make sure your dongle is calibrated correctly if it doesn’t have a temperature controlled oscillator - I’m not familiar with the Nooelec dongles to say whether it does or not.

Perhaps try using sdr# or some other general sdr software on a PC to see what the output of the dongle looks like when using that antenna. It will be immediately obvious if you are suffering from interference and you can see directly on the waterfall whether you are getting strong signals.

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I prefer using it with icecast for remote listening, along with recording to disk. You will need to modify the config file. Try starting with one dongle and one frequency with just the icecast output. The wiki explains everything.

Once comfortable with the config, you will be able to add more devices/channels/outputs. I currently have an RSP1 monitoring 6 channels in total 8.4MHz, plus a V3 stick for 2 other frequencies. Works like a charm.

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Thanks for your valuable advise. I will try it the way you have told on comming weekend. I have already installed pulse audio, but dont know how to configure/use it.

From config file, it seems I have to install icecast also

pi@piaware:~ $ sudo cat /usr/local/etc/rtl_airband.conf. 
# This is a minimalistic configuration file for RTLSDR-Airband.
# Just a single RTL dongle with two AM channels in multichannel mode.
# Each channel is sent to a single Icecast output.
# Refer to
# for description of keywords and config syntax.

  type = "rtlsdr";
  index = 0;
  gain = 25;
  centerfreq = 120.0;
  correction = 80;
      freq = 119.5;
      outputs: (
          type = "icecast";
          server = "";
          port = 8080;
          mountpoint = "TWR.mp3";
          name = "Tower";
          genre = "ATC";
          username = "source";
          password = "mypassword";
      freq = 120.225;
      outputs: (
          type = "icecast";
          server = "";
          port = 8080;
          mountpoint = "GND.mp3";
          name = "Ground";
          genre = "ATC";
          description = "My local airport - ground feed";
          username = "source";
          password = "mypassword";

I don’t know if it could be useful, but following this guide I managed to make at least rtl_airband work.
Using a KerberosSDR to Monitor Air Traffic Control Voice, ADS-B, ACARS & VDL2 Simultaneously on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
(You must only use the paragraph relating to rlt_airband)

Kerberos-sdr is $150, too costly.
I will use generic dvb-t or FA orange dongle, and this wiki:

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Could someone please point me to the rule, regulation or legislation that prohibits this.


This is way more restrictive than USA, where even gun laws are quiet liberal. :wink:

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sure, I told you that the first time I used the configuration explained there, but with a nooelec dongle.

In Germany and Austria there are still discussions ongoing if tracking the ADS-B signal should be handled as legal or not.


Comming weekend, I will try the guide also.

It looks though that strictly, Canada is much the same as the UK. I guess that it is technically illegal but tolerated.

Well, both have same Queen, so it is natural to have similar laws :wink:, but Candian station on internet via are available, while there is not a single UK airport there.

Toronto CYYZ Tower

Ottawa CYOW Ground/Tower/Approach


All Canadian feeds

Looks like the Canadian law is just not enforced, whereas the UK one is :frowning:

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Looks like Canada got this liberalization infection from next door neighbour :slight_smile: