Richard Reid (shoe bomber), 2001 ==> taking shoes off in screening
Trans-Atlantic liquid bomb plot, 2006 ==> 3-1-1, 100 ml bottles, 1 quart ziploc bags
Underwear bomber, 2009 ==> millimeter-wave, x-ray backscatter, or intensive patdowns
You’re right, this all sucks – so what’s your strategy, fellas? You’ve worked yourselves into a lather, now let’s hear a practical alternative.
Since 9/11, we’ve accepted a long series of challenges to our Constitutional rights, both incremental and radical changes, in the name of protecting our other freedoms including easy access to shopping malls, stadiums, and air travel. I’m angry about extraordinary renditions, warrantless wiretapping, religious and racial profiling of innocent US citizens, and equating criticism of government policies with “giving comfort to the enemy”, among other things. IMO those cut to the bone. TSA guys seeing me naked is pretty far down the list.
Look, we can’t pretend there are no vulnerabilities in ordinary life, so the question is, what are you willing to give up, and what do you treasure? Would you rather let bored TSA people see grainy pictures of your “junk”, or let more underwear bombs through? If you’re gonna be angry at TSA instead of al Qaeda, you have to have a better idea than TSA’s.
Frankly, I feel sorry for the poor bastard that’s gotta look at 3 naked paunchy old guys a minute, including me. And the other poor bastard who has to grope every angry traveler who refused the imaging, including you.