Moving antenna location

I currently have my antenna attached to a fence post so its only about 2 meters off the ground but I am looking into whether it would be worthwhile moving the antenna onto the roof of my 2 story house ?

What info would I need to submit to the forum for you experts to make an informed answer on whether its worth the effort please?

Thanks in advance

If going up on the roof also implies a better view around with less obstructions ( I suspect in this case your own house is an obstruction) then that would benefit your reception.

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If you are already functional at the fence post, what are the chances that you can raise the antenna at the same fence post location? If you put something together that can be raised and lowered for service and storm wind protection it would keep you off the roof and the complications that involves.

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Give the attic a try if you don’t want to mount it on the roof.

Probably better than the post you have now.


So, where is this fence post? Is it on the edge of an open field or next to your house, barn or wooded lot?

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That’s an AI generated reply if ever I’ve seen one

No artificial intelligence here. My chip set was manufactured during the Korean war.

The one above yours which I flagged and was not giving any more airtime by quoting it because it’s from a person promoting tea.

That’s why it’s barely relevant and took 23 days to post it while the new user has only been here for minutes

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You can do that easily?? :astonished:

Yes, a taller is always better, first and foremost. Antenna-wise, from .5 watt to 2k.

Sorry to quibble, but taller is almost always better.

As others have said, if it moves you to a place where there are more obstructions (say, moving from an open field to being surrounded by tall buildings), then it’s not beneficial. Most likely it’s better, unless the fence post is uphill from the house.

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Correct! “Taller” is always better.

Its about 20ft from the house

Yes, your house is itself almost certainly an impediment to range. Moving the antenna to your attic or roof is likely to greatly increase your reception. If you have any chimneys or other obstructions, you’ll want it above those, as well.

How about adding a stackable antenna mast to the fence post or a Rohn-25 apex section positioned next to the fence post with the antenna mast system growing up out of the apex tower section?

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