Be nice to switch Power Supplies whilst Pi still being used. I don’t like to just pull the plug so try and shut down cleanly.
Be nice to switch Power Supplies whilst Pi still being used. I don’t like to just pull the plug so try and shut down cleanly.
With ADS-B your antenna and its location are always an issue. A better antenna will give you more and better range and this will affect ADS-B aircraft and MLAT aircraft similarly.
As someone else said, if you haven’t entered a reasonably accurate location the MLAT just wont work for you.
I also tether my tablet or laptop to the phone so I can see Skyview with the aircraft, range and the message rates.
That is pretty much what I use when I travel with a 10,000 mAh battery or a 2 Amp phone charger (Either AC or car cigarette lighter type).
My 10,000 mAh charger pack is the total capacity of the batteries which is NOT the same capacity by the time you get to the 5V out for the USB charge socket. It wont run as long as you think.
For an antenna I usually use a PCB dipole. In a hotel I just sticky tape it to the window (preferably the outside).
Whilst mobile I have tried the little mag base but found it blows off too easily. Sometimes I stick a dipole to the window or mount it in an appropriate length of PVC pipe clamped to the roof rails.
In the olden days before cellphone and satphone I did a lot of emergency comms for fires, floods, search and rescue etc etc. A single operator station can at best manage about 5 active nets and clearly there is no room for a second operator in that vehicle. How many can he power simultaneously for any length of time?
With all those antennae so close together the interference between radios would be significant and the probability of high power transmissions blowing the front end of receivers on adjacent antenna would be very high.
That is impressive.
Yes, I too have tethered a netpad to my mobile to get Skyview, handy for the stats.
I need to build something more stable, I tend to just put my bits on a plastic tray which is OK but not very convenient.
errr … those three programs are decoders and have no ability to display maps.
Sort of.
ADSBScope still needs the maps you expect to use to be downloaded.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but whenever the location changes (manual or GPS locked), the the coast/borders remain, but the map needs to be regenerated.
When the Pic (above) was taken, I was doing 900km/h, so would have needed a regeneration every second.
Yes, these are decoders, but these also generate/display map. SkyView map is generated/displayed by dump1090-fa
As far as I understand, download of basic map (outlines only like planeplotter map) is one time operation, and downloaded map is saved locally.
Even if map need to be downloaded, and is not downloaded due to abscence of internet, the receiver’s latitude/longitude, center marker, range rings and planes are still displayed in adsbScope.
On the other hand, the ModeSDeco2, ModeSMixer2, dump1090, dump1090-fa dump1090-mutability show a blank map page if not connected to internet.
Please see screenshot below. In the tray at bottom-right (near date & time), internet is shown disconnected (red X), but everything is still displayed.
Screenshots below show that the App was run while phone was in “airplane mode” (i.e. both wifi and data were disabled)
App installed from Google Play
1. ADSB Reciever by HIZ LLC (Avare)
2. RTL2832U Driver by Martin Marinov
I understand what you mean now - those programs have a webserver built in.
The adsbScop’s Lat&Long need to be set by the operator unless there is a GPS plugged in.
Range rings are from the center of the map, not necessarily from the location of the receiver.
True. The receiver location setting is by dragging/moving the map and not by direct Lat/Lon entry. This makes it a bit difficult if receiver location is constantly changing. In this case using automatic setting by GPS connected to Computer is desirable.
For a fixed location of receiver, it is one-time effort.
True, but the ring’s center, and receiver location can be made to coincide with just click of a button (“go to receiver location” button), as shown in screenshot below
The version 3 of RTL1090 you were using also has a “scope” function if you only want outlines. All in one application: decoder and display.
On my Windows tablet, since I prefer outlines, I also use GlobeSrtl090 (by the same guy who produced RTL1090) and BaseStation. Dump1090 is the decoder.