MLAT not work

I have a ADS-B Orange and the MLAT not working, still in red color, and say input location and altitud, I did and still not working, i recive this message, my internet is ok.

[2019-03-24 17:08 CST] no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 250 seconds, next check in 60s

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Please describe how you installed piaware!

Or is it a Flightfeeder Orange?

Maybe just try cycling the power / doing a reboot?

Try emailing as you appear to have a flight feeder.

Hi, yes, is a Flightfeeder Orange, I did reboot, restar, and still the problem.
Tahnks for you help.

Thansk for the mail


It looks like it connects to Flightaware OK.
Is the dongle connected to the coax and antenna correctly?
You generally need to use the supplied equipment only.

Isn’t the dongle internal to the orange box?

Looks like the dongle is not connected correctly or somehow faulty.
Even if the antenna cable would not be connected, he wouldn’t get that error message (no program on 30005, which means dump1090-fa is not running)

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(It looks like it connects to Flightaware OK.)
Yes, I am ok connects to Flightware

(Is the dongle connected to the coax and antenna correctly?)
I will check all the connecteions

You generally need to use the supplied equipment only.
Yes, l am only used supplied equipment .


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Yes, is the Orange box, I think equal to you, that somehow faulty in my Orange box

Hello Manuel. Please email and we’ll get you sorted out. Thanks!