Migration from v2 api to v4

Hello. We are currently working on the migration to version 4.
But V2 API keys are not suitable for version 4. Please tell me how to get the keys that will work for version 4.

For more detailed information on how to get V4 AeroAPI keys I would encourage you to visit our online ‘AeroAPI Version 4 Migration’ page found here: AeroAPI Version 4 Migration Guide.

Here you will find the link to the AeroAPI V4 product page which includes a comparison of the V4 tiers that are available to choose from-> AeroAPI® Flight Tracking and Flight Status API - FlightAware. After making a tier selection, using ‘Get Started’ will quickly walk you through the signup process and API keys will be generated immediately. You can use your current V2/V3 FlightAware login (FlightAware account) to create your V4 AeroAPI account subscription. Note: you will start with one API key, however you can easily create additional API keys at any time. This is often useful to more readily support multiple environments (prod, test, dev) or multiple applications.

The ‘AeroAPI Version 4 Migration’ page includes everything you need to know to successfully migrate to V4, including important dates, key differences between previous versions, and a downloadable Migration Guide that maps previous functionality to new V4 functionality. Rest assured, you will be able to continue to use your V2 API keys until your migration to V4 is successfully completed. As you have found, API keys are not cross-compatible between versions.