Making sense of all the starting advice

You have the makings for a good system.

Our systems are the sum of many elements, Antenna, Antenna location, Cable, Receiver Dongle, Raspberry Pi, Power supply and Software configuration. Each contribute and affect how well the sum works.

Your current antenna will work, though it is not optimal for 1090 MHz. It will work better if you use a larger diameter can or box to mount the antenna, preferably larger than 6 inches / 75 mm in diameter. The metal box acts as the second half of the antenna. Round works well, but virtually any shape of good size will help.

All antennas work best when they are as high as possible. Even suspended by a string at the top of a window, or mounted on some kind of pole outside (assuming an outdoor antenna type). We all start with the antenna in the window. Bigger/longer antennas generally have more gain (receive signals stronger than basic antennas, and every 3db is a doubling of the signal level). 6db is 4 times, 10 db is 10 times. Since buildings, trees, and any solid obstruction blocks or reduces the signals, antenna height is a huge help. abcd567 works out of a tall apartment building via his window and does very well with his systems. He has some easily build and high quality antennas here in the posts. Recommended. The Vinnant antennas seem to be excellent.

Cables pass the received signals to the receiver and for 6 ft/2 meters, most cables will work. Low-loss cables are preferred to get the maximum signal to the receiver. Larger diameter coax have lower losses than small cables. Fewer connectors are better too. Try to avoid T and L connectors, as they have more loss than others (personal experience).

Your receiver and similar ones are probably used by 90% of all trackers and very effective. There is a built in amplifier and filter for 1090 MHz.

Your raspberry Pi looks like a Pi3 type to my eyes, and should work well. The associated power supply should be capable of 5 to 5.2 volts at 2.5 amps. Most of the time, it will be using around 1 amp, and 5 watts of power.

The software configuration will take some time to work out. Have not used Docker, just the Flightaware downloadable images for direct installation. Other posts in this forum have better recommendations than I can make myself.

Hope this rounds out a couple of items, you probably already know most of this already. This is a fun and intriguing hobby. We all believe in helping each other, improving and tweaking our systems. Highly recommend you install wiedehopf

Have fun, gene

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