Lured Us ? Tells Us Nothing ?

(Gotta love the lack of reporting in the article, catch our attention, lure us down a path and really tell us nothing.)

Lured Us ? Tells Us Nothing ?.

(PARKERSBURG, W.Va. – Federal investigators say a modified oxygen system is the probable cause of a fatal airplane crash in West Virginia last The National Transportation Safety Board says the pilot made improper changes to the single-engine Cirrus SR-22’s system. As a result, he was deprived of oxygen and became incapacitated. )

I assume this small town Parkersburg ,West Virginia newspaper that was in the vicinty of this airplane crash printed all that needed to be printed for their subscribers, knowing that professional civilan pilots or concerned citizens that read their news story and wanted more information of this airplane crash would search the internet for these fine details, like the NTSB website when the final investigation is made public.

West Virginia’s 2 major newspapers did not even report or cover the story.

This is your second, post regarding this crash.
Is there something you’d like to say or are you just trying to stir up something?

If your not happy with the news reporting, well, you’re there with the rest of us in aviation. It is never accurate, incomplete and often sensationalized.

If you are actually looking for more and real information regarding this crash, just ask and myself and/or 20 other forum members. We will give you the links to the NTSB, full narrative and factual reports (or you can just Google it yourself).

Second post was directed to DirkDiggler, he seemed to be frustrated with what info that “I” posted on my 1st post . I assume with the small town newspaper coverage of this plane crash would be enough with interested parties they,or he would pursue additional information, without posting their personal complaints .

185 Driver… That is exactly what one should do if they seek additional information, I agree.

(If you are actually looking for more and real information regarding this crash, just ask and myself and/or 20 other forum members. We will give you the links to the NTSB, full narrative and factual reports (or you can just Google it yourself).