I am having errors show up in my log file on FA and have lost MLAT. A nearby receiver has it and mine has been gone since the upgrade to Piaware 2.1-3. Any ideas? The log file updates so fast that I cannot get it all.
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] Starting multilateration client: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/fa-mlat-client --input-connect localhost:30005 --results beast, --results connect, --results localhost:30004 --results beast,connect,feed.adsbexchange.com:3005 --udp-transport
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] mlat(2423): usage: fa-mlat-client -h]
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] mlat(2423): --input-type {beast,sbs,dump1090,radarcape_gps,radarcape_12mhz}]
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] mlat(2423): --input-connect INPUT_CONNECT --results RESULTS]
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] mlat(2423): --udp-transport UDP_TRANSPORT
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] mlat(2423): fa-mlat-client: error: argument --results: beast,: exactly three comma-separated values are needed (see help)
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] the system confirmed that process 2423 exited with an exit status of 2
[2015-11-03 20:40 CST] got EOF from multilateration client
I have updates all from the ADS-B status page and the system rebooted. Same message… Stumped…
When you were connecting to asdbexchange you tweaked your configuration. You have
--results beast, --results connect, --results localhost:30004
where it should be
--results beast,connect,localhost:30004
That’s what’s throwing errors with fa-mlat-client.
Wow… Cool thanks. I really didn’t change anything though. It has not had a keyboard or monitor connected for weeks until tonight when I reinstalled the Piaware2.1-3 SD image. I changed my password just incase someone got it and changed it remotely.
edit: I re-read and I see the ads exchange info. Problem, I had MLAT after I made those changes.
It is working now. Re-installing fresh sd image fixed it. Not feeding exchange yet.
Thanks again
Sure, not a problem. Glad it’s fixed. That’s not a change that can be made without direct intervention though. If you didn’t add adsbexchange to the output commands, then someone else must have. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be on a stock piaware config?