Login failure on FlightFeeder for Android

The login function of FlightFeeder for Android failed since Thursday (Dec. 10). I have tried reboot, reinstall, and re-configure username & password. Still doesn’t work.

Could anyone confirm if something went wrong on the server side (login API)?

(I saw a new iOS app released last week. I don’t know if the login API on the server side has been changed for the new iOS app, which may cause login failure on FlightFeeder for Android.)

Problems with certificates. Take a look at pages 9 & 10 of the Topic (at the very top of the list) called:
“New FlightFeeder app for Android available for beta testing”.
Doesn’t appear that they’re in a huge hurry to fix it :frowning:

The problem is that it needs a new release of the feeder software to fix it (which is in progress). To fix it on the server side would break all the piaware feeders, and when it comes down to “do we break all android feeders” vs “do we break all piaware feeders”, android loses.

Thanks for the information!

I just bought a Moto E Android phone when there was a Black Friday deal for $9.99. Now, my Pi can be used for something else. :smiley:
It seems I should stay with Pi… LOL

It’s just a numbers thing, there are a lot more piaware feeders than android feeders.