Le Potato

Anyone using a “Le Potato” board? I want to add a second feeder, but not pay for current RPi prices. The “Le Potato” is only $30.

Yeah, happy Le Potato user here.
These are nice little boards, but flashing the eMMC-Module can be a bit tricky sometimes.
I recommend to order the heatsink aswell when you buy the Potato and they use Raspbian and raspi-config but the I/O pins need remapping for some usecases and they have a tool/app for this.
The Le Potato is a nice drop-in replacement for the RaspberryPi 3 :+1:

Are you using it for piaware?

Are you using the flightaware image or the package install?



Yes, I am using the Raspbian image which the lovely people at Libre Computer generating https://distro.libre.computer/ci/raspbian/11/ as it has the right Kernel for the Amlogic CPU. And you need to build dump1090-fa and piaware from the FlightAware github repo, because of arm64 achitecture.

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